The Ball Is in the Legislature's Court
The Democrats have to make the case for raising taxes. Brendan Williams is a former state rep from the 22nd District, and an inconsolable left-winger. Successful government demands voter participation and holding elected officials accountable for their acts. This citizen responsibility cannot be abdicated in favor of gimmicks like requiring insurmountable votes to take legislative…
Keep mitts off law reforming payday loans
The other day I needed some cash and went to the only ATM I could find. I took out $100 and got charged $3. Sort of an expensive way to access your own money, but the big boys at Chase have to get their slice of our pie. It got me thinking about the continuing…
State Supreme Court strikes down super-majority requirement for raising taxes
As we’ve been asserting for years, Tim Eyman’s initiatives requiring a super-majority requirement for the legislature to pass tax increases is unconstitutional. As reported in the Seattle P-I, and as you can see for your self here at the State Supreme Court’s website, The state Supreme Court has thrown out a referendum passed by voters…
SB 5011 would reverse progress on sustainable development
Right wing, anti-government activists are pushing a state bill to weaken growth management in Washington State. SB 5011 – 2013-14 would prohibit ” the state of Washington and its political subdivisions from adopting and developing environmental and developmental policies that infringe or restrict private property rights without due process.” As this New York Time article discusses,…
Crime and No Punishment
First Known Bank Malfeasance of the Week: With the $25 billion attorneys general settlement, banks are supposed to reduce the principal and interest on thousands of mortgages that are in trouble. When they do this, they get credit towards their portion of the settlement obligation. Leave it to the banks, however, to find a way…
U.S. Deficit Shrinking At Fastest Pace Since WWII, Before Fiscal Cliff
U.S. Deficit Shrinking At Fastest Pace Since WWII, Before Fiscal Cliff “Believe it or not, the federal deficit has fallen faster over the past three years than it has in any such stretch since demobilization from World War II. In fact, outside of that post-WWII era, the only time the deficit has fallen faster was…
Social Security is not broke: speeches by Economist Dean Baker and Dr. Marilyn Watkins
“Economist Dean Baker and Dr. Marilyn Watkins (EOI) explain how Social Security is an insurance program that really works for retirees, disabled workers and survivors. Since our pension system has been dismantled by corporations, and 401Ks are just not enough for the majority of workers to retire on, Social Security is the best program we…
State Senate bill would fast-track coal exports
Please take action asap and help send this around. It is urgent that Washington State stops the Dirty Coal Trains in their tracks. Dear Linda, Please take 2 minutes before you start your day to call the toll-free Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000, and ask your Senator to vote no on Senate Bill 5805. This bill…