Pensions part of system that actually works right
We elect our state legislators with the hope that they will look out for the public. So it always is sort of a shock when legislators work to undermine government services which work best for people. It as if they want to say, “See, government doesn’t work.†And to emphasize their argument, they take apart…
Build a movement for publicly funded childcare!
Sisters Organize for Survival meeting Your thoughts and energy are needed in the campaign to win free, quality childcare for working and poor families. The lack of affordable options pushes women out of the workforce and puts a huge strain on families. Help organize a Mothers’ Day Parade to demand state-funded childcare, justice for Marissa…
WA Senate conservatives attack working families, vote to weaken Seattle’s sick days law
The attack on Washington’s families and middle class by Senate Republicans and “Road-Kill†Democrats continued in full force yesterday. Conservative senators passed SB 5726, which waters down Seattle’s sick and safe leave ordinance and restricts similar laws that might be passed by other Washington cities in the future. Who would lose the right to earn…
Light Brigade action in Seattle Wednesday 5:30PM
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OLB-Take Action for Seattle Families Facing Foreclosure Easy Involvement with a Big Impact! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do You Believe Housing Is A Human Right? – Take Action in Solidarity with SAFE! Overpass Light Brigade ramping-up local Seattle organizing by SAFE (Standing Against Foreclosure & Eviction) and the 11-city launch of the “Housing For All” National…
Exploded: Mainstream myths about the minimum wage
It’s no surprise that President Obama continues to make missteps on economic policy — such as returning again and again to the “Grand Bargainâ€, more apt to result in a “Grand Take-Awayâ€. It’s no surprise because of the people he has surrounded himself with to discuss and design economic policy. Take Christina Romer, past chairwoman…
The Political Significance of This Cannot be Understated
This changes absolutely nothing! but it has entertainment value, so… This may be what the black bloc needs: Ukes! and Accordions. Thanks to Mary Hath Spokane for passing this one on
About the war in Afghanistan, from "The Operators" by Michael Hastings
In The Operators: the wild and terrifying inside story of America’s war in Afghanistan, war journalist Michael Hastings describes the self-inflicted downfall of General Stan McChrystal and the quagmire of the war in Afghanistan. Hastings was working for Rolling Stone, and McChrystal and his staff, who tended to treat McChrystal as a rock star, thought…
March Legislative Town Hall meeting schedule
Courtesy of our WSARA Secretary, Steven Kelly (IBT), I am forwarding the information below regarding upcoming town hall meetings by our state legislators. Please go to http://oureconomicfuture.org/action/townhalls.html for more information. Thanks to Steve for passing along this information. Legislators across the state are taking a break from session to hold town hall meetings in their…
The Sharp Pain of Sequestration
Despite some pundits making light of the immediate effects of sequestration, the pain will soon be very real to our nation’s most vulnerable. Sharon Parrott, for the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a nonprofit research group laid it out in stark terms: “In fact, sequestration will have a real impact on Americans across the…