Help Organize Our Progressive Radio Reunion on June 5 in Seattle — Let's Get Our Party On!
A lot of you have expressed enthusiasm for creating a reunion/rally for Progressive Radio in Seattle. We’ve set our first planning session for next week and welcome participation by anyone who would like to lend a hand getting the event off the ground. Progressive Radio Seattle Party Planning Meeting Wednesday, June 5 at 7:00 PM…
Wasrning: Article 2 in proposed "Right to Vote" amendment to U.S. Constitution alters balance of powers
Especially this year, I have become wary of how news media portrays proposed legislation, as compared with what is actually in the legislation. So when I saw U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan’s proposed constitutional amendment portrayed simply as a national right to vote bill, I wondered what else was in it. So here you go: While…
A program to eliminate poverty
We need to create and act on a program to eliminate poverty by 2020, including a federally supported jobs program. Working people in the wealthiest country in the world have a right to full employment at a living wage, to collective bargaining in the workplace, compensation for disability, and reliable pensions and social security benefits.…
Let's stop pretending on the Keystone XL Pipeline
I’ve got a great idea. Let’s stop pretending that Obama isn’t going to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. Let’s stop pretending that one more trenchant op-ed, one more Change.org petition, one more Sierra Club website, one more MoveOn mass email of the White House is going to sway anyone who has a stake in this…
Stop Shackling Our Youth! Interactive Podcast on Youth Justice
Youth Justice Reinvestment Part I: Family Solutions and Success Stories for Youth in the Juvenile System On Tuesday, May 28th at 5:30pm Pacific/8:30pm EST, we invite you to join us for the first of two Conversations on youth justice reinvestment. We are honored to welcome Zachary Norris, Co-Director of Justice for Families coalition, as…
Alaska Senator Mark Begich introduces proposal to scrap the cap, move to better CPI measure
Sitka News reports Senator Mark Begich (D-Alaska) is prepared to introduce legislation to protect and preserve Social Security benefits for future generations, while shoring up the system’s long-term solvency. Senator Begich introduced his plan in response to President Obama’s proposal to switch to the Chained CPI, which would cut annual cost-of-living increases for seniors and veterans on Social…
March against Monsanto
by MartinTheCoug
Can we blame Tim Eyman for the Skagit bridge collapse?
The collapse of the Skagit bridge over I-90 has generated lots of discussion about the need to maintain our infrastructure, and about the need to raise tax revenue to do so. Someone suggested we should blame anti-government terrorist Tim Eyman for the collapse, since lack of funds resulted in poor maintenance. Someone else said that…
What Is Dark Money?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7578235 Author bio: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alison_M_Gunn,_Ph.D. Republished with permission from the author Americans are in the dark when it comes to ‘dark’ money, and our collective confusion—amounting to ignorance—won’t help in the months and years ahead while we watch stakes rise in each new election cycle. Illumination into the nature of dark money won’t come…