Watch "Is Social Security Broke?" online, or tonight on Comcast channel 77

For May 31, 2013 – in King County, tune to Comcast channel 77, 8:00 PM Or click  Is Social Security Broke? for on-demand view. “Social Security has not contributed one dime to The Debt; it has been cash positive ever since its start in 1935”, emphasizes Robby Stern of Puget Sound Alliance for Retired Americans. “Social Security has…

Could WA State actually have the fifth highest unemployment in the nation?

As it turns out, the short answer is “yes.” The longer answer is, it all depends on the way you measure the rate. There are a three ways to look at the unemployment rate: The official rate, which is referred to in official Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) as “U.3.” U.3 only counts unemployed workers…

Fast food workers strike, but where's the coverage?

The Nation is reporting today “Beginning at 10:30 PM Pacific Time Wednesday, workers at dozens of Seattle fast food locations plan to strike, launching the nation’s seventh work stoppage by fast food employees in eight weeks. Organizers expect workers from chains including McDonald’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway, Arby’s, Chipotle, Qdoba, and Jack in the…

Help Organize Our Progressive Radio Reunion on June 5 in Seattle — Let's Get Our Party On!

A lot of you have expressed enthusiasm for creating a reunion/rally for Progressive Radio in Seattle. We’ve set our first planning session for next week and welcome participation by anyone who would like to lend a hand getting the event off the ground. Progressive Radio Seattle Party Planning Meeting Wednesday, June 5 at 7:00 PM…

Wasrning: Article 2 in proposed "Right to Vote" amendment to U.S. Constitution alters balance of powers

Especially this year, I have become wary of how news media portrays proposed legislation, as compared with what is actually in the legislation. So when I saw U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan’s proposed constitutional amendment portrayed simply as a national right to vote bill, I wondered what else was in it. So here you go: While…

A program to eliminate poverty

We need to create and act on a program to eliminate poverty by 2020, including a federally supported jobs program. Working people in the wealthiest country in the world have a right to full employment at a living wage, to collective bargaining in the workplace, compensation for disability, and reliable pensions and social security benefits….