Transportation Funding: It Gets Worse
It seems odds to look back at the 2005 legislative session, my first as a House member, as a pinnacle of progressivism. After all, it was eight years ago. George W. Bush was President. Yet consider: In 2003, legislative Democrats were routed by their own governor, Gary Locke, and a one-session Senate budget chair named…
Massive protest over Microsoft tax evasion
Tens of thousands of protesters marched in Redmond today in protest over Microsoft’s tax evasions. Organizers claimed 100,000 people participated. Police estimated the size at 65,000.  There were 18 arrests related to the bonfire in which protesters burnt Windows software packaging. Protesters’ complaints centered around two issues: Microsoft’s tax evasion and consequent failure to…
Rodney Tom and the evil Senate Repugs want to take $140,000,000 from students and give it to the rich
Legislature Gets a Reprieve on Estate Tax – Drop-Dead Date Now is Next Week Due to a technical problem with the estate tax, the state of Washington’s Department of Revenue will soon begin sending out rebate checks to millionaires, depriving the state’s education budget of up to $140 million in much needed money. The State…
For and against Bradley Manning
http://iam.bradleymanning.org/ released the following powerful video in support of Bradley Manning: Somehow I received by email a message from Forward Progressives, containing an article by Alan Clifton: Like it or Not, Bradley Manning is a Traitor — Not a Hero. Despite the occurrence of the word “progressive” in the site’s name, Forward Progressives strikes me…
Infographic about WA State tax breaks from Budget & Policy Center
from the Budget & Policy Center
‘Scrap the cap’ to keep Social Security fair
The kids are all right. And so are their grandparents. Why? Because Social Security is there — for all of us. And we can make that promise even better by making sure we all pay the same tax rate for the same guarantee. The Social Security Trustees report shows solid funding for the next 23…
Public schools win internationally: part 1
Conservatives are eager to destroy public education, to complete their plan to dismantle the New Deal and to further enrich the 1%. Their favorite stratagem is to blame public schools for failures of education in poor communities. But let’s look at the facts. Internationally, do the nations with the best school systems have public schools…
Rep. McDermott Chides Tea Party For Acting Like Poor Innocent Victims in IRS Examination
Via Rep. McDermott Chides Tea Party For Acting Like Poor Innocent Victims in IRS Examination McDermott said But as I listen to this discussion, I’d like to remind everyone what we are talking about here. None of your organizations were kept from organizing, or silenced. We are talking about whether or not the American taxpayers…
Throwing Metro Under the Bus
by Jennifer Langston King County’s transit agency needs a stable funding source. Really Metro service cuts hearing Here’s a picture of hundreds of people who crowded into a hearing room Tuesday to protest looming and massive bus cuts at King County Metro. If this looks familiar, it’s because we went through a similar exercise two years…
Online election tarnished by fraud
According to The Independent, fake votes made their way into the Paris mayoral race. Reporters found it easy to vote under various names, and even voted more than once using the same credit card and computer. One reporter voted five times, once using the name Nicolas Sarkozy, the former French president. The online election, originally touted as “fraud proof”…