Should progressives try to stop Hillary?
Hillary Clinton is a frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nominee in 2014. Given her hawkish history as Secretary of State, and given her connections to her triangulating husband and his corporate crowd, it’s likely that progressives would oppose many of her policies. Hillary Rodham Clinton by Wikipedia On the other hand, she’s strong on issues…
Two good resolutions that Democrat federal lawmakers should follow
The King County Democrats’ Platform & Resolutions Committee is (favorably) considering the following two resolutions, the first one calling for cuts to Pentagon spending, and the second one opposing cuts to Social Security. Concerning the Pentagon budget resolution, someone asked, “Have we considered impacts on WA employment re Boeing and re Joint Base Lewis-McChord? Might…
Opportunity Knocks
Much is made of the principle that all of us should have an equal opportunity to Food, Clothing, Shelter, Healthcare, Education, and so on (FCSHE+). That it is wrong to discriminate based on one’s color, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, etc., should be obvious to anyone capable of forming thoughts. Yet, in the US…
Powerful gun control video by WA Alliance
The video is produced by The Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility. “The Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization formed in January of 2013. We have a leadership committee of over 100 organizations and civic leaders from throughout the state.”
Gov. Inslee accuses the Senate Republicans of favoring millionaire tax breaks over our kids' education
Presumably this is in reference to the controversy over the estate tax (Wash . House OKs change to state estate tax, State House, Senate offer estate tax measures) and over Inslee and the Democrats’ plan to eliminate tax loopholes.
American Enterprise Institute likes Pres. Obama's choice for economic chief advisor
“He has written on the importance of fiscal discipline, the need to undertake entitlement reform sooner rather than later, the role of international trade in improving living standards, and the benefits of Wal-Mart in boosting living standards for low-income Americans.“– Far-right American Enterprise Institute praising President Obama’s choice as chief economic adviser. from the American…
New interactive state budget tool a boon for Washington’s citizens, journalists, students
With state legislators still at an impasse over Washington’s budget, we’re unveiling a new interactive research tool that allows citizens, journalists, and students to easily examine how public dollars are being spent, and assess the impact of this year’s budget proposals on public schools and universities, hospitals, prisons, courts, health care, and other critical state…
Microsoft's tax evasion, corruption, and the banality of evil
I spoke with a Microsoft executive today at a party. He asked me what I do when I’m not working. I mentioned my blogging and gave as an example my article about the (wished for) protest in Redmond against Microsoft: Massive protest over Microsoft tax evasion. I said that the protesters were angry both about…
The Tim Eyman Memorial Bridge song
posted on youtube by Zeke Hoskin If you know more about who created and sang this, please let me know.
Resolution Supporting Public Financing of Campaigns In Seattle
Fair Elections Seattle, and the 37th LD Democrats have submitted the following resolution (slightly edited by KCDems platform committee) to the WSDCC. WHEREAS the role of big money in Seattle campaigns continues to grow, increasing candidates’ reliance on wealthy donors to fund their campaigns; and WHEREAS this reliance on big money discourages good candidates from…