The Big Squeeze
Skyrocketing rents by real estate developers and stagnant wages by employers equal pauperized workers and displacement to low-income suburbs. How do we reclaim our city? If you’ve lived in Seattle for more than a few years, the city you know is disappearing. It’s being replaced by the “Lords of Concrete” – an alliance of real…
SAFE: Join the Resistance
Join the Resistance By Joshua Farris The system is so crazy that people who want to pay to stay in their homes are displaced by banks that took billions in bail-outs from the tax payers. Aren’t people too big to fail? Forget about the big question of when our bail-out is coming. Just leave us…
Senior Republican economist calls for a Carbon Tax
Nicholas Gregory Mankiw was “chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President George W. Bush. In 2006, he became an economic adviser to Mitt Romney and continued during Romney’s 2012 presidential bid.” (source: wikipedia) In an opinion piece in the New York Times, Mankiw , who is Chair of the Economics Department at Harvard…
Former Fundamentalist and Father of Eleven Now an Evangelist for Evolutionary Biology
An interview with former fundamentalist, Ed Suominen. Ed Suominen was raised in a small sect of Lutheran Christianity called Laestadianism. Of the 32,000 denominations into which Christianity has fractured, his is one of the more conservative. Members believe in the literal truth of the Bible, including the creation story. They eschew sins like drinking, dancing,…
My letter to Nancy Pelosi
91% of Americans do not want the US to engage in any military action in Syria. Over and over again, Americans have shown the way to their elected represented representatives and those representatives have been deaf to their voices. What unimaginable hubris is driving members of Congress like yourself, to commit an even more serious war crime than…
Seattle Speaks for Itself: D.C. Corporate Group is dead wrong on paid sick leave
Last week, The Seattle Times published an op-ed by Michael Saltsman of the D.C. Employment Policies Institute asserting that a recent EPI study had found Seattle’s paid sick days law was hurting local businesses. As we pointed out at the time, EPI’s ‘report’ was basically an opinion survey of targeted opponents to sick days. But…
Thoughts on Obama's March to Folly in Syria
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thoughts on Obama’s March to Folly in Syria Article by Robert Fisk with Introduction by Chuck Spinney ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Backbone Friends, Amidst much movement building and action support work from Seattle to Kalamazoo to Chicago, and now planning for upcoming trainings and actions in DC, Obama’s sudden push for military action in Syria causes my…
Report on the 2013 Legislative Review of the Metroplitan Democratic Club of Seattle
Wednesday four solidly progressive Democratic lawmakers were guests at the Metropolitan Democratic Club of Seattle: Senator Jeanne Kohl-Welles (36th LD), Senator Bob Hasegawa (11th LD), Representative Cindy Ryu (32nd LD), and Representative Gael Tarleton (36th LD). Ryu and Kohl-Welles are the two most progressive legislators in the House and Senate, according to the House scorecard…