Video of SCCC forum on public transportation
Here’s the video of the noon session of the Jan 16 Forum on Public Transportation at the Broadway Performance Hall in Seattle. The state of WA only spends 2-4% of the budget on bus transit, they spend over 50% on roads. Meanwhile King County taxpayers are the biggest money donor in State, getting back only…
Testimony on establishing a state bank for the cannibas industry
I testified today in support of Bob Hasegawa‘s S.B. 5955 which would establish a State Bank to create a financing infrastructure for the cannabis industry. My testimony begins at time mark 29:15 in the linked video. The audience enjoyed my characterization of Wall Street banksters as the real criminals that we should be worried about.…
Free, regular sex for Boeing execs
State lawmakers should consider giving regular, free sex to Boeing execs to convince the company to stay in Washington State. Inspired by this article: Washington state pitches more help for Boeing. As Brendan Williams said on facebook: From 167-page state proposal offering Boeing further concessions on top of $8.7B tax break: On workers’ comp, “we are committed to working with you to identify and implement additional administrative and,…
Might the defeat of the GMO labeling initiative 522 be overturned by legal means?
RESOLUTION URGING EFFECTIVE REMEDIATION OF ILLEGAL CAMPAIGN TACTICS BY GROCERY MANUFACTURERS ASSOC’N Whereas Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson, on October 16, 2013, on behalf of the people of the State of Washington, filed a complaint for civil penalties and injunctive relief against the Grocery Manufacturers Association (“GMAâ€), alleging violations of RCW 42.17A in connection with…
Can we all benefit from the economy?
The slow recovery from the great recession has heightened stark inequality in Puget Sound. Corporate profits and the stock market are soaring (think Boeing) but wages are stagnant, workers have lost their company pensions (think Boeing) and job growth is still lagging. Even with the 777X, think of Boeing again — they pushed 1,500 engineering…
Beautify The Movement at Seattle's Monthly Art Build: Sunday the 19th from 1-4pm
Join progressive artists and activists and friends from 350 Seattle, WAmend, the Salish Sea Sanctuary movement, and the MLK March. This Sunday January 19th is Seattle’s Monthly Community Art & Imagery Build Party at the Fremont Abbey! Where: Fremont Abbey located at 4272 Fremont Avenue North Seattle, WA 98103 Who: You, your friends, and other…
Community Forum on Public Transportation, January 16
Mark your calendar! On Thursday, January 16, TRU will be collaborating with Seattle Central Community College and other groups to hold a public forum on the planned Metro cuts, the public transit funding crisis, and what we can do about it.  Facebook page here. What: Community Forum on Metro Cuts and the Transit Funding Crisis When:…
Seattle campaign for $15/Hour – Jan 12, 2014, Labor Temple
Five talks from the 15 speakers: Kshama Sawant, David Freiboth, Joe Higgins (MP, Socialist Party Ireland), Robby Stern, Exec. Board of the Wa State Labor Council and Pres, PSARA, and Philip Locker, Socialist Alternative on organizing the $15 campaign NOW.
Free Public Screening of the Film "Inequality for All", Jan 25 in Federal Way
Saturday, January 25, 2014, 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM Federal Way Regional Library, 34200 1st Way S., Federal Way, WA (map) A passionate argument on behalf of the middle class, this film features Robert Reich–professor, best-selling author, and former Clinton cabinet member–as he demonstrates how the widening income gap has had a devastating impact on…
Is the push for a $15 minimum wage the right battle to be fighting?
Much of the political activism in Seattle now is centered on the establishing a $15 minimum wage. Activists associated with Socialist city council member Kshama Savant are making a big push for a $15 minimum wage. MoveOn Seattle chose to concentrate its activism on the issue at their December meeting. There’s a rally today (Sunday,…