The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy report Who Pays? A distributional analysis of the tax systems in all 50 states shows just how regressive the tax system is, both nationally and, especially, in Washington State. In 2007 the richest 1% of Washingtonians paid about 3% of their income in state and local taxes, while the poorest 20% of citizens paid over 17% of their income in state and local taxes. Nationwide, the top 1% pay about 5% and the poorest 20% pay about 11%.
The following charts are from the ITEP report.
Still, in 2010 misguided voters voted against I-1098, which would have instituted an income tax on the top 2% or 3% of earners.
Related reports:
- “High Rate” Income Tax States Are Outperforming No-Tax States
- Arthur Laffer Regression Analysis is Fundamentally Flawed, Offers No Support for Economic Growth Claims
- Repealing Estate Tax Will Not Create An Economic Boom
But reports and charts won’t convince low information voters, who (when they are able to vote) continue to vote against their own self-interest.