Bring the Fight to the Banks Week of Action Schedule
Hosted by Occupy Seattle Peacefully
[The suffix “Peacefully” is necessary to thwart the Black Bloc from engaging in violence — aka “diversity of tactics” — that would harm the cause.]
This will be a NON VIOLENT/ NON VANDALISTIC week of actions. July 13th through July 20th Occupy Seattle Peacefully will be hosting a week of direct action street theater and protests that will focus on urging Seattle City Council to follow through on Resolution 31337 (Sec. 2.1) which states:
The City will review its banking and investment practices to ensure that public funds are invested in responsible financial institutions that support our community. The Council may also consider future legislation to promote responsible banking and provide an incentive for banking institutions to invest more in our City, particularly with regard to stabilizing the housing market and supporting the creation of new businesses. This review should include evaluating City policies on responsible depositing and management of City funds.
While our main demand is that City Council begin the work to remove Seattle’s money from Big Banks and move it to a more citizen-friendly financial institution, there will be actions on all banks and the financial institution in general.
Friday July 13th We will begin the week of action by projecting a message onto City Hall. Depending on access to equipment, we may continue with projection protests all week, focusing on a new bank each night. If we have to rent the equipment then it will just be on Friday.
Saturday July 14th MicCheckWallSt will host Do Not Pass Go Monopoly Game in front of Wells Fargo. It’s family-friendly street theater that draws attention to how our financial system is rigged to the failure of the 99%.
Sunday July 15th We are encouraging participants to engage in making chalk art and handing out informational flyers in front of various banks. Tell your story with chalk! Some artists will be using more guerrilla tactics while I will be hosting a group for the families and children that want to join in
Monday July 16th We are running a choir flashmob at a location that will be released only to participants. The details of this will only be shared in person. The times will be about 10am-1pm.
Tuesday July 17th There will be a mock wedding between a corporation, Corp Person, and a woman, Angela Vogel. This family-friendly, jovial action will draw attention to the ridiculousness of corporate personhood. The Raging Grannies will also be performing songs at banks.
Wednesday July 18th Occupy Seattle Peacefully and other week of action partners will participate in the Student Debt Noise Brigade, the marches against student debt and the rising cost of tuition that are hosted every Wednesday by MicCheckWallSt. This week will focus on how our banks get bailed out but not our students. This is a family friendly permitted march. Â (Our numbers on the event page recently grew too large, so we had to create its own page. Numbers for last week topped out just over 120 and grow every week.)
Thursday July 19th There will be ‘Money Shouldn’t Talk’ silent vigils in front of banks. Lines of people with money taped over their mouth will make a strong impression and be the quiet before the big rally and march the next day.
Friday July 20th will be an entire day of action. Starting at 10am we will begin sending activists into City Hall one by one to hand deliver a letter that calls on City Council to follow-through with Resolution 31337 (Sec 2.1). After the letter delivery (or during if enough people show up that it takes a few hours) we will meet at Westlake for a rally which will include speakers such as Dorli Rainey and Jeff Reifman. At 1pm we will begin marches around the city past the banks. There will be teach-ins in front of each bank during which we will educate people about the transgressions of the particular institution.
Planning meetings for the Bring the Fight to the Banks Week of Action are 4pm every Friday at the Washington State Convention Center. Please feel free to contact me for more information or to find out how you can participate.
Angela Vogel
Public Relations/Community Organizer
Backbone Campaign/MicCheckWallSt/Occupy Seattle Peacefully