News from CarbonWA

1) Bill McKibben will be in Seattle this Saturday for a 350 Seattle event at Myrtle Edwards Park, and the good folks at 350 Seattle have invited CarbonWA’s Cathy Carruthers to give a 45-minute workshop on carbon taxes and the CarbonWA campaign! The whole event is from 11am-2pm, and our workshop will be either at 11am or 12pm. Check for the latest details at 350 Seattle.

2) Summer is almost over, and we’re just 7,000 signature pledges shy of our summer goal of 100,000 signature pledges! Please help by pledging to collect signatures during Jan-June 2014, and if that doesn’t float your boat you can also make a donation, tell your friends about CarbonWA, and/or invite us to give a talk to your community. (See below for other talks coming up. )

There’s a great series in the Seattle Times on ocean acidification… with videos! Check it out before it wins the Pulitzer Prize!

Other upcoming CarbonWA talks and events:

  • Tue Oct 1 in Bellevue as part of the 2013 Washington Youth Summit on Climate Change.
  • Thu Oct 3 in Seattle as part of the Economic Opportunity Institute annual dinner. (I’ll be doing a comedy keynote and will weave in a bit of CarbonWA :).
  • Sat Oct 5 in Olympia as part of an Organizing For America community forum on climate change from 12:30 – 3:30 pm in the Columbia Room, Washington State Capitol Building. For more info contact
  • Tue Oct 29 in Tacoma at PLU at 7pm, details TBD but this is part of the comedy-and-carbon-tax tour I’d like to take to schools around the state.
  • Wed Oct 30 in Olympia, two talks! One tentatively at 3pm at Evergreen, then another one at 7pm at Traditions Cafe.
  • Sat Nov 9 in Everett as part of the Sound Living event at Everett Community College. This is an all-day event; our presentation is at 4pm.
  • Week of Nov 11 in Eastern WA (I’m hoping to go on comedy-and-carbon-tax tour, with a tentative show at Whitman College on Th Nov 14 and hopefully others TBA!)
  • Please email if you’d like to invite one of us to give a talk!

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