Now that most of us have voted or will have done so shortly, what comes next? You may not have gotten aboard for this election, but let’s grab the future. Most likely, unless we do something ourselves, there won’t be any change but more of the same downhill ride with the two 1% parties. Many people hold their noses and vote for the lesser of two evils, thinking they had little choice but to do so. But, we truly do have an alternative if we will unite and accept the responsibility for changing things.
The people selected by the two major parties and put in power by our rigged election system are not going to change anything except make things worse until they feel threatened. If this happens, they will throw us a few crumbs until things settle down, then it’s back to the same old business of doing the bidding of the 1%.
Our politicians have the power, right now, to take the money out of the elections, to limit the amount of money and time spent on elections, and even to make the elections public-financed. They could require the broadcast companies to devote 20% of their broadcast time 30 days before the elections as a royalty due the citizens for the free use of our airwaves. This time would be for the free and equal use of candidates running for office. They could enact a fair tax code and close the loopholes that benefit only the 1%. But as long as big money is involved in our politics, these changes won’t happen.
As long as they are able to deny the vote to many of our citizens, the 1% rule, and we have lost the sovereignty of the people. This loss of citizen sovereignty is why we all need to get aboard. We must unite and organize to make the changes that will save our nation and reclaim our democracy from the claws of the predatory 1%. Let’s all get aboard and make it happen. When they utilize their money to rule us that is when we say “NO MORE
Rocky Anderson of the new Justice Party is the rising star to lead and help us rebuild a new United States of America that we can once again be proud of. Join the Justice Party and let’s fill up our Senate, House of Representatives, the state houses, and local community offices with real patriots who will support the American people. Then let’s put Rocky Anderson in the White House in 2016. Let’s start talking and acting like WE MEAN BUSINESS.
Click here to see who really stands with you at Rocky YouTube
Copyleft 2012 J. Glenn Evans
(Feel free to copy and distribute as broadly as possible)