Washington Liberals

Get The Money Out of Politics Free Lunch – Occupy Election Fundraising (Bellevue, Friday)

Friday February 17th, 2012 @ Noon – Bellevue Washington
Bellevue Downtown Park, 10201 Northeast 4th Street
President Barrack Obama will be in Bellevue collecting a wheelbarrow of money. – The Election Money Lunch with President Barrack Obama is sold out. So we have decided to have a free lunch for all of us unable to attend the election money lunch.

Peoples Picnic for the 99%
An alternative to President Obama’s fundraiser luncheon in Bellevue
Friday February 17, 12-3 PM
Bellevue Way and 4th Ave NE

For people who don’t have a few thousand spare dollars for lunch, we are offering a Peoples Picnic for the 99%. Don’t let income inequality get you down! You can get into our event for $0 per (paper) plate, and we invite you to be a guest speaker for two-minutes at our citizens speak out on how money in politics has affected them personally. Small contributions will offset picnic costs, and canned food will be delivered to the embattled Seattle port truckers who are on strike. Our picnic fare will include rice and beans provided by Food Not Bombs, and bologna sandwiches (Baloney in honor of what we get when big money runs elections).

Please RSVP here to let us know you’re attending:http://www.facebook.com/events/365559186805803/

President Obama, who is having a more typical fundraiser lunch across the street at the Bellevue Westin for people who can afford the high admission fee, is also invited to attend our event and make good on his claims to want to hear the concerns of all Americans. Whether he shows up or not, everyone’s invited to come on stage to talk about how well they feel our current election process is serving them, and offer ideas for improving the system.

This event is a project of the Occupy Seattle Get Money Out of Politics workgroup, which is also building local support for the nationwide campaign to overturn the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision, and to re-establish limits on campaign contributions. If you’d like to learn more about us, you can stop by one of our regular meetings, Sundays at 3 PM on the second level (south side by escalators) of the Washington State Convention Center.

Barack Obama is having lunch with supporters on Friday, February 17th in Bellevue. The fact that in order to win a Presidential election, candidates (including a president who should be working on other things) must spend their time collecting election money that demands influence, – and that does not listen to those who do not have money and influence, – showcases how poorly our political system serves its citizens, and how well it serves the rich and influential.Because of this, we will be staging a picnic for the 99% nearby at the same time. President Obama will be sent an invitation. This will be a lunch for regular folks to talk about how the they aren’t being served by the current election process, and offer ideas for improving things. Canned food donations are requested and will be given to the port truckers, who are fighting for their collective bargaining rights to combat appalling work conditions.President Obama won’t be able to collect large donations from each attendee, but
he will get a valuable lesson in what is wrong with our political system.

Also – invite your friends! If you require transportation to Bellevue, please message Chris Natale, the event moderator. Members of the 99% have volunteered to give car rides from various spots around town.

We appreciate all attendees respecting that this is a non-violent event.


The following are items that we appreciate guests bring one or more of:

-Canned food, which will be donated to striking port truckers. More information: http://www.policyshop.net/home/2012/2/10/strike-at-the-seattle-port-truckers-buck-an-unfair-system.html
-Food and soda (specifically bologna sandwiches)
-Picnic blankets
-A sign, related to a desire for all of the 99% to have a fair voice in our election process.

Occupy The Government!
(because they already are – $1000 a plate and up, and it’s sold out!
Sold out. Sold out. at $1000 a plate… c’mon down, and eat across the street for free!).

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