Washington Liberals

Conflicting claims about whether Russia and China want to stop militarization of space

(Revised: 2021-05-10)
These two paragraphs from Washington Examiner’s House Democrat fears looming space war: ‘We’ll all be dead’  contradict the emails and articles I’ve seen from peace groups claiming that Russia and China have been asking for treaties about the militarization of space.
A quartet of State Department and Pentagon officials appeared before members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and House Armed Services Committee for a discussion of “creating a framework for Rules-Based Order in Space.” Much of the conversation conceded the near-impossibility of establishing that framework, given Chinese and Russian disinterest in serious negotiations over such rules and their enthusiasm for developing capabilities that can threaten American satellites.
“Sometimes, the Russians do not even want to acknowledge that certain activities are indeed taking place,” the State Department’s Bruce Turner, a senior official in the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance, told lawmakers Wednesday. “We have done our best to bring experts, military and diplomatic experts, to some of these meetings to discuss these issues. But thus far, the Russians really have not engaged in a satisfactory way.”

Those paragraphs also seem to contradict Russia calls for talks on binding treaty to ban weapons deployment in Space and  Chinese Foreign Ministry calls for promptly starting talks on space arms control.

The likely explanation is that the Washington Examiner is conservative. According to Politico: “When it came to the editorial page, Anschutz’s instructions were explicit – he ‘wanted nothing but conservative columns and conservative op-ed writers,’ said one former employee.”

Indeed, give of the first six links in the first Examiner article above are to other Examiner articles. The link to Russian in “given Chinese and Russian disinterest in serious negotiations over such rules” doesn’t even document the alleged Russian disinterest in negotiations; instead, it’s a tag search for Examiner articles about Russia.

I found the Examiner article when I browsed the articles listed by https://news.google.com ; perhaps google shouldn’t be listing articles from such a biased news source.

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