Washington Liberals

Coal train hearing Oct 17 in Tacoma

Stop coal trains in their tracks

STOP the coal trains in their tracks

WHAT: Scoping Hearing On the Millennium Bulk Terminal in Longview, WA.
WHEN: October 17th!! (Doors open 4:00 p.m.; Hearing starts at 5 p.m.)
WHERE: Tacoma Convention Center (1500 Broadway, Tacoma, WA 98402)

Involved Democracy is announcing:

There will be a Rally at Tollefson Plaza which starts at 3:15 PM.

==> Actions you can take to help stop the Coal Trains<==
1) SHOW UP at the hearing wearing RED! (RSVP)
2) PREPARE a 1.5 minute statment of concern to deliver.
3) and/or SUBMIT a written statement. The scoping period for written comments goes until November 18th.

We have information and talking points to help you submit your comments.

We stopped coal exports from Cherry Point Terminal! NOW, let’s do the same in Longview!!! This is your LAST chance to attend a hearing and make your voice heard!

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