Washington Liberals

Challenge Congress to Pass a Student Debt Jubilee, H.R. 4170


Backbone Campaign is partnering with RootsAction for an online effort to get the word out for a Student Debt Jubilee and free higher education. Today’s action alert featuring our imagery and the policy direction of Backbone Campaign’s Student Debt Jubilee Fellows Kyle McCarthy and Natalia Abrams was sent to over 135,000 people. 

And yes, Backbone is pursuing a new program to lift up autonomous progressive activists and organizers through our nascent CSO (Community Supported Organizer)/Fellowship program. We know that immersion is the best way to learn, and that activism and organizing is no different. That’s why we are working with Kyle, Natalia, and a few select others to generate the stipends they need to continue doing the incredible work they’ve begun through Occupy or elsewhere.

So please, use RootsAction’s online tool and then Support Backbone Campaign Student Debt Jubilee Fellows Natalia Abrams and Kyle McCarthy (by selecting Student Debt Jubilee Fellows in the drop down menu on our donate page.)

At over a trillion dollars, student loan debt is now deeper and broader than credit card debt. Our society has shirked our responsibilities and shifted our obligations to the next onto their very shoulders. Our political cowardice, greed, and shortsightedness are devouring our children’s future.

We could make public colleges free for roughly what we continue to waste each year on the “Bush tax cuts” for the wealthy or for about 7% of what we spend each year on the military.

As a first step, Congress could provide immediate relief for students burdened with outrageous education debt, by passing the Student Loan Forgiveness Act (H.R. 4170). This bill would give relief to borrowers with both federal and private student loans. Let’s challenge Congress to prove that they still matter.
PLEASE, Tell your representative to sign on.

Forward Together!  Team Backbone


phone: (206) 408-8058

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