Washington Liberals

Black Lives Matter – Seattle (Video)

(Raw video, my editing computer is dead)
Stop Police Brutality: Time to build a mass movement!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Africatown Center, Columbia City Seattle
Organized by Socialist Alternative

Moderator Ramy Khalil

– Guest Speaker from NAACP

– Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant

– Devan Rogers, Youth Undoing Institutional Racism and Ending the Prison Industrial Complex

– Celia Berk, Youth Undoing Institutional Racism and Ending the Prison Industrial Complex

– Dr. Will Washington, activist against community violence

– Julia Ismael, Africatown Education and Innovation Center

Since Officers Darren Wilson, Daniel Pantaleo, and Adley Shepherd were not indicted, protests have erupted against the violence regularly inflicted on black communities by police. The anger, grief, and desire for a better world are palpable among young people and communities of color. We need to build these protests into a sustained mass movement strong enough to pressure elected representatives to address the racist police violence and brutal economic inequality experienced by people of color and working-class people every day.

Socialist Alternative called this 2nd public meeting to build upon the December 10th public meeting to further discuss effective strategies for this movement.

What tactics at our protests are most effective?

What concrete demands should we and City Councilmember Sawant fight for together? A democratically elected oversight board with full powers over the SPD? Scrap plans to build a new King County youth jail?

How can we uproot the underlying system that breeds police brutality, institutionalized racism, and inequality?

Black Lives Matter!

Part 1

Part 2

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