Washington Liberals

Author: oly mike

  • Austin's Picks: Autonomy Alliance

    “It’s a scary time to be involved with radical class struggle. But was it ever any other way?” Austin Kelly suggests you scan this one from LibCom.org:         An interview conducted with two members of St Louis libertarian group, Autonomy Alliance. While in St. Louis, I was lucky enough to stay with…

  • Winning the War of Position, oh yeah, and Todd Akin

    Austin Kelly sent along this link. This article makes a number of arguments about the direction the IWW should take in its organizing, including taking a longer-term perspective than the next few years. Winning the War of Position: Working-Class Hegemony and Class Unionism by B.C. It is readily apparent to any working-class person that the…

  • Politics and Entertainment!

    M & I are working on two campaigns for the regular election. The first is Thomas Bjorgen’s run for the Court of Appeals. Tom would simply make a superb judge and I think it’s going to happen. I am certainly going to work to make it happen. The second campaign we are pounding on is…

  • Primary Election? Did we have one?

    Tell me about the results that you are tracking. as for me, I was working on the Thomas Bjorgen Court of Appeals campaign and that one has my interest right now. Turnout was low. I think it was first primary in August and maybe competing with the Olympics played a part as well, but anyway…

  • Austerity Politics v. Posterity Politics

    Are we Keynesians or would we prefer to be serfs? It’s an election year, so we get to weigh on this and other questions. I really think we need to be thinking about creative economics. Market-based economics that are sustainable, that create useful commons instead of quarterly profits, dividends and obscene bonuses. We all get…

  • The State is a Condition

    “The State is a condition, a certain relationship between human beings, a mode of behaviour; we destroy it by contracting other relationships, by behaving differently toward one another…” Gustav Landauer Have to pack and set up the Really Really Free Market in Olympia.  Contracting other relationships, behaving differently toward one another?  Can we really destroy…

  • Judging the Judge Candidates

    Ok, a little more on the judge races. And specifically on the question of how to figure out who is really qualified to sit on the bench. The table below is from VotingForJudges.org.  VFJ does not do a rating, it simply compiles and attempts to present an unbiased presentation of the judge races.  All of…

  • If an Agent Knocks on your door…

    Well, the news in Olympia is that the agents came knocking in the last few days. Our free society has generally embraced the political freedom of aligning with either the Republican or the Democratic Party! For those of us that find that range to be a little too tight, you can stray into the fringes…

  • Dana Walker for State Treasurer!

    It’s official. We are running a write-in campaign against Jim McIntire for Washington State Treasurer. I have imposed on my friend Dana Walker to accept the role of running against the previously unopposed Jim McIntire for Washington State Treasurer. Here is what Dana had to say about the write-in campaign: Hi, I am Dana Walker…

  • Justice for Washington Foundation Rates the Judicial Candidates

    [Warning: there are indications that Justice for Washington may not be the “bipartisan” group it claims to be. More to follow.] It can be hard to figure out how to cast your votes in the non-partisan judicial races. It’s also hard to figure out if election or appointment is a better way to put a…