Washington Liberals

Author: Carbon Washington

  •  New ballot language for the Carbon Tax initiative

    We just got the ballot language back from a test-run initiative we filed last month. The full text of the initiative is here, or you can track it all down from the Secretary of State’s website, but here’s the ballot language as written by the Secretary of State’s office: “Statement of subject: Initiative Measure No.…

  • Common ground with conservatives on Carbon Tax

    On Tuesday I was invited to be on a King 5 News ” climate debate” with Paul Guppy of the free-market Washington Policy Center, and what stands out for me from our discussions on and off camera (video here) is how much common ground there was. In some ways this is not suprising—Paul’s colleague Todd…

  • Inslee's executive order concerning carbon

    Yesterday, we got a response of sorts: Governor Inslee signed an executive order that has been described as everything from “a big leap forward” to “underwhelming”. Our view is that it falls well short of what we asked for in our open letter: instead of a detailed policy proposal there’s a “Carbon Emissions Reduction Taskforce”…

  • Carbon WA's open letter to Governor Inslee

    Dear Governor Inslee: Your leadership as a true climate champion is evident in the way you consistently and publicly talk about the need to put a price on carbon. We share that vision with you, and we want to help you turn that vision into a reality. But putting a price on carbon is going…

  • How much carbon tax is enough?

    At a Climate Desk Live event two weeks ago in Seattle, host Chris Mooney asked about the BC carbon tax. (See time marker 1:26:45 in the video.) David Roberts of Grist responded that the BC carbon tax “works” in that “it is not hurting the economy” and “there are mild carbon reductions happening” but that…

  • New Draft legislation for a carbon tax; comedy-and-carbon talks

    We’ve got a new draft of our carbon tax legislation! It’s still a draft (with feedback welcomed on refinery operations and biofuels in particular), but it lays out our vision, which is to use a BC-style carbon tax to pay for a reduction of the state sales tax by a full percentage point, plus B&O…

  • News from CarbonWA

    1) Bill McKibben will be in Seattle this Saturday for a 350 Seattle event at Myrtle Edwards Park, and the good folks at 350 Seattle have invited CarbonWA’s Cathy Carruthers to give a 45-minute workshop on carbon taxes and the CarbonWA campaign! The whole event is from 11am-2pm, and our workshop will be either at…

  • Why a carbon tax shift in Washington State?

  • Progress towards a (revenue-neutral) carbon tax in Washington State

    Economist Ed Dolan, an intellectual leader of the Carbon Tax movement, has a three-part serious about why everyone (conservatives,progressives, and libertarians) should love carbon taxes. As if to prove him right, a new study of the BC carbon tax estimates that it will boost economic activity because “the government uses carbon tax revenue to reduce personal and corporate…

  • Revenue-neutral carbon pricing in Washington State

    One of the most successful climate policies in the world is the revenue-neutral carbon tax in British Columbia. Created in 2008 by a right-of-center government, BC’s tax is revenue-neutral, meaning that all the money generated is used to rebate personal and corporate income taxes; there is also an offset for low-income households. The tax rose…