Canvass to hold Rodney Tom accountable; Tom's defense of his "bipartisan" budget

Karl de Jong, chair of the King County Democrats, sent out this notice: State Senator Rodney Tom claimed he wanted certain bills to pass (both the DREAM Act and the Reproductive Parity Act). However, this afternoon he voted against bringing those bills to the floor. Time to activate! This Saturday, we’re teaming up with our…

Play the Tax Evaders game

Tax Evaders is a national project involving artists, game designers, researchers, protest groups, grassroots organizations and concerned citizens. We’d like thank our allies: Citizen Engagement Lab, The Other 98%, US Uncut The Yes Lab, The Overpass Light Brigades, Americans for Tax Fairness, Public Research Interest Group, and Occupy Wall St.

Obama pushes seniors and the New Deal off the cliff, protects Pentagon spending. How will the Democrats respond?

Bloomberg Business Week is reporting in Obama’s Budget Rescues the Pentagon: Although the White House doesn’t advertise this fact in the six-page budget overview it put out this morning, the new budget eliminates nearly all of the cuts that sequestration imposes on the Pentagon. Instead of $500 billion in cuts, Obama proposes only $100 billion,…

32nd Democrats pass resolution critical of Obama's proposed cuts to Social Security and Medicare

2013-08 Resolution on Preserving Social Security and Medicare Whereas our Social Security System is a foundation of our social safety net for all citizens who reach retirement age or are eligible due to disability; and Whereas our Medicare System provides vital healthcare services to seniors and disabled and prevents people from falling into total abject…

Boeing moves operations to South Carolina despite Washington State tax breaks

Boeing pays no state sales tax and received tax breaks worth between 2 and 3 billion dollars from the Washington State legislature. (See Huge tax breaks for aerospace didn’t deliver many new jobs.) But The Seattle Times reports today: Washington worries as Boeing pours $1B into S.C.  Partly the shift to South Carolina is in…

A Resolution Supporting a Washington State Capital Gains Tax

Whereas the obligation under current state law for the 2013-15 biennium is more than $1.2 billion more than projected revenue during that period; and Whereas the Joint Task Force on Education Funding created by the State Legislature determined that an additional $1.4 billion is needed during this biennium, and an additional $4.5 billion by the…

We need REAL Democrats, not Rodney Tom Democrats or Barack Obama Democrats

The events of the last several years are a learning opportunity for Democrats, both in Washington State and nationally. The case of Rodney Tom exemplifies the dangers of supporting “centrist” Democrats who are eager to compromise with Republicans. Tom’s “bipartisanship” is inconsistent with Democratic values. Yes, Rodney Tom is better than most Republicans. (See the…