Climate hearing in Seattle this Wednesday with Gov. Inslee

Wednesday evening in Seattle there will be a public hearing on strategies to address climate change, under the auspices of the state Climate Legislative and Executive Workgroup.  Governor Inslee is supposed to be there. October 23, 6:00 – 9:20 p.m. | Agenda and Information (PDF) | Bell Harbor International Conference Center – 2211 Alaskan Way…

People are too nice

The LA Times is reporting today: Air pollution causes lung cancer, World Health Organization says. Not much of a surprise there. It’s been known for years that people who live near major freeways have reduced lung capacity and suffer various ailments. I commute every day by bike and bus. While waiting for the bus and…

Letter-to-the-editor in the conservative Bellevue Reporter

The Bellevue Reporter is the local freebie weekly newspaper.  It has some real reporting, as well as editorials and letters-to-the-editor.   In the past the Bellevue Reporter has been quite conservative: they ridicule taxes and government, and they’ve written articles in favor of Rodney Tom and Tim Eyman. But recently, I’ve sensed some moderation. This week…

Quickie link: Koch Brothers and ALEC Target SeaTac $15 an Hour Minimum Wage Initiative

Goldy at the Slog is reporting: If you want a good indication of how much is truly riding on SeaTac’s $15 an hour minimum wage initiative, you need look no further than who is fighting it: The ultra-conservative billionaire Koch brothers and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the corporate-funded lobbying group behind “model legislation”…

More anti-I-522 propaganda from Big Ag

Yesterday I again got a glossy flier in my mail box containing propaganda against I-522, Washington State’s initiative to require GMO food labeling. At the bottom of the flier, it says, “Top five contributors: Grocery Manufacturers Association, DuPont Pioneer, Dow AgroScience LLC, Monsanto Company, Bayer CropScience.” The flier contains an anti-I-522 quote by Ken Eikenberry….