$55,000 ($11,000) bill for one day in the hospital
From Guy Gets Sick, Spends Few Hours in Hospital Then This Happens….
From Guy Gets Sick, Spends Few Hours in Hospital Then This Happens….
The top headline on news.google.com today concerns denial of evolution by Republicans: Skepticism of evolution grows among Republicans, according to new poll Republicans’ belief in evolution plummets, poll reveals One-third of Americans reject evolution, poll shows Survey: The number of Republicans who believe in human evolution has declined Belief in evolution among Republicans has dropped…
The US has more than 10 times the rate (prisoners per 100,000) than Sweden: 716 versus 67, according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_incarceration_rate.
Former NSA Senior Executive turned NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake, along with former ethics advisor to the Justice Department Jesselyn Radack who is also a whistleblower, will speak in Tacoma at the Washington State History Museum. Both Drake and Radack are featured in the Robert Greenwald film, War on Whistleblowers. (More about them below) They will…
Pope Francis has called on atheists to unite with religious people and work for a “homemade peace” that will spread worldwide. I say: Christians, if you really believe in peace and in the teachings of Jesus, stop voting for conservative politicians who start immoral, disastrous wars; who sell the soul of the US to mammon;…
The January/February issue of Mother Jones has an article “Can’t Touch This: The wars are winding down. It’s the age of sequester. So why won’t the Pentagon live within its means?”.  The article lists examples of the tremendous waste in the Pentagon budget and identifies Senator Patty Murray as one of the key liberal hawks…
Some conservative-leaning coworkers were saying yesterday that the problem with America is that 47% of people don’t pay taxes. Echoing Mitt Romney, my coworkers said democracy leads to a situation in which people vote for candidates who promise them public money. I replied: I agree we have too much socialism and redistribution of wealth: socialism…
Jeff Lyles and I wrote: Jingle Bells, something smells, Santa is a spy. He works for the NSA. What a sneaky guy! Jingle Bells, something smells, in the USA. The Constitution is at risk. Our rights have gone away. It would be nice to fit Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Chelsea Manning in the song….
Most debates about politics in America concern the question of how big the government should be. Conservatives want small government. Liberals want big government. At least that’s the standard framing of the issues. Of course, it’s not quite true that conservatives favor small government. When it comes to national security, most conservatives have been strong…