Resolution to Prevent Denial of Lawful Health Care Services in Washington

(recommended by the King County Democrats Resolution and Platform Committee) WHEREAS hospitals in Washington have increasingly been merging or otherwise affiliating with hospitals or other healthcare systems controlled by the Roman Catholic Church , resulting in nearly half of our state’s hospital beds and patient care having becoming subject to “Ethical and Religious Directives” issued…

Hey, Americans, let's learn to bow

According to 80% of all infections are transmitted by hands. According to the CDC scientists estimate that people who are not washing their hands often or well enough are spreading germs. Harmful germs can live on almost everything from doorknobs to animals to food. See too Fear of Germs Threatening the Handshake. So, shouldn’t…

Regressivity of proposed Metro funding loomed large at King County Council hearing

King County Council held a hearing on Metro funding at Union Station in Seattle this evening. The state legislature was unable to come to agreement last year on funding for Metro buses — because Senate Republicans held the transportation package hostage to their demands for  the cost-saving “reforms” that would weaken unions, weaken environmental regulations,…

Rep, McMorris Rodgers' dishonest claim about Obamacare

Washington State Congresswoman Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers claimed that her constituent Bette faced a $700-a-month premium hike after her policy was canceled. But Paul Krugman points out: Bette’s tale had policy wonks scratching their heads; it was hard to see, given what we know about premiums and how the health law works, how anyone could face…

DelBene, Heck, Kilmer, and Larsen vote with Repugs to cut food stamps

Reps. Suzan DelBene, Denny Heck, Derek Kilmer, and Rick Larsen joined all four Washington Republicans in voting to cut an addition $9 billion from the food stamps program, SNAP. Kudos to Jim McDermott and Adam Smith for voting against the House farm bill that slashed food stamps while protecting most corporate pork. The Senate is…

Cost of food stamps versus corporate subsidies: fact checking

Source: (apparently) Being Liberal I’m trying to verify these numbers. When I go to the site referenced on the left of the figure, it prompts me to enter an income. No matter what income I enter, I don’t see $36 under the category Food and nutrition assistance (which, it says, includes food stamps). If…