Fact-checking a claim about Koch versus union spending
I signed a petition from Credo Action “urging PBS affiliate WGBH to remove David Koch from the Board of Trustees and Science Visiting Council because of his anti-science positions.” After I signed the petition, it through up a fund-raising appeal from ActBlue containing the following claim: The Koch brothers spent over $400 million in 2012—more…
Use boycotts and protests to oppose tax avoidance
Americans for Tax Fairness sent me email asking me to sign a letter demanding: Credit Suisse CEO Brady Dougan: Release the Names of American Tax Dodgers. How about setting up a boycott of Swiss products, tourism, athletes, conferences, academics, etc? And protest around the Swiss embassy in D.C. and consulates? Similar actions against companies like…
European Socialist Germany kicks US ass
From a comment on huff post: Larry K. (elfish) Political Pundit · 5,047 Fans Funny: Germany is one of those European-Style Socialist countries that the Republicans are always warning us about. Germany’s population is one quarter the US, yet they have a more productive economy, they export more goods, their citizens don’t work as hard,…
The Anti-Wisdom of Eckhart Tolle
Many spiritual teachers and pundits say things similar to what Eckhart Tolle said: “The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but [always] your thoughts about it.”  In other words, suffering comes from yourself, not from your perceived enemies. While it’s true that much suffering is self-made, it’s a gross and perverse exaggeration to…
Environmentalists target Rodney Tom
Washington Conservation Voters is holding a canvass/door-to-door On Tuesday, March 11 from 3PM to 5PM to in Rodney Tom’s district, the 48th LD, to inform voters of his bad deeds with respect to thwarting environmental legislation.    See details here. They write: As the Senate Majority Leader, Sen. Rodney Tom must be held responsible for his…
Errors on Senator Tom's page about transportation
From Senate Transportation Proposal Moving our District Forward The House transportation package is a non-starter. It’s over spent [sic] by hundreds of millions of dollars. We simply do not have enough resources to make it happen. That is irresponsible and is the kind of budgeting that has hurt our state for years. It is particularly…