Washington Liberals

Author: admin

  • Short note about government secrecy on Ukraine

    This New Yorker essay Is the F.B.I. Truly Biased Against Trump? about the FBI’s investigations of Rudolph Giuliani and Hunter Biden has a couple of telling paragraphs: According to [FBI agent] Buma’s statement, shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine, on February 24, 2022, he was told to terminate relations with one of his most valuable sources…

  • Comments on Aaron Maté ‘s interview with John Mearsheimer

    John Mearsheimer: Ukraine War Is A Long-Term Danger The main point of Aaron Maté ‘s interview with John Mearsheimer is that  the U.S. miscalculated about how easy it would be to defeat Russia via arming Ukraine and imposing sanctions. Both sides are in a position where they’re now unwilling to negotiate or give up land. …

  • Why it’s so important to expose U.S. provocations in Ukraine

    Executive summary:  Until the public, Congress, and the mainstream media acknowledge the extent of U.S. provocations and responsibility for the war in Ukraine, it will be difficult to get U.S. leadership to agree to support a diplomatic solution to the crisis. So lives will continue to be lost, money will continue to be wasted, and…

  • Comments on Edward Lozansky’s Clearing the Fog of ‘Unprovoked’ War

    The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity published this essay by physicist and mathematician Edward Lozansky, who was born in Ukraine, studied in Russia and worked in the U.S.: Clearing the Fog of ‘Unprovoked’ War It retells a lot of the history of aggressive NATO expansion and the squandered opportunities for peace.  The essay…

  • Crazy Facebook Ads I saw

    Crazy Facebook Ads I saw I often react to annoying and crazy ads by Laughing at them. Since I react to the ads, Facebook treats that as an “interaction” for billing purposes, I’m sure. They get to tell their advertisers that another person interacted with their ad, and Facebook shows me more such ads. Hence,…

  • Jeffrey Sachs’ damning video about U.S. policy in Ukraine: The U.S. Has Lost its Mind

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZeO2WFAx-s Sachs speaks with Canadian journalists, educating them about U.S. imperialism and lies about Ukraine and criticizing the Canadian government for going along with U.S. policy in Ukraine. Sachs worked (with support from the U.S.) as advisers for Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and several Ukrainian leaders.  In the video he talks about NATO expansion. He says plans…

  • Chat GPT story about the unconventional wisdom of blaming others for your problems

    As an ironic half-joke, I asked OpenAI’s Chat GPT-3.5 to “Write a poem about the wisdom of blaming others for your problems.” It refused to do so, even after I said that I know it’s unconventional and I said that many people really are victims and would be happy if they forgave themselves and acknowledged…

  • Summary of RFK, Jr. interview with Lex Fridman

    Kennedy speaks very well, seemingly off the cuff, in this 2.5 hour interview with Lex Fridman: Transcript for Robert F. Kennedy Jr: CIA, Power, Corruption, War, Freedom, and Meaning | Lex Fridman Podcast #388 I like Kennedy’s antiwar positions. His antivax activism is concerning (though a lot less concerning than the hawkishness of President Biden…

  • Scott Ritter allegations against Zelensky

    In Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky – Part 1 former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer and United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) weapons inspector Scott Ritter accuses Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky of corruption and of being an agent for British Intelligence. I don’t know what to make of the video. The soundtrack (music with drumbeat)…

  • WA 40thLD Resolution from 2014 warned about U.S. provocations in Ukraine

    RESOLUTION TO 40th LD DEMOCRATS REGARDING SITUATION IN UKRAINE: WHEREAS the conflict in the Ukraine is heating up into a potential major war between nuclear superpowers, and WHEREAS in February of this year,  the U.S. government,  led  by neo-con Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, and Ukraine ambassador Geoffrey  Piatt,   supported the…