Dwight Eisenhower was more of a Socialist than Bernie Sanders
See the text of Bernie Sander’s speech about Democratic Socialism, wherein he writes: I don’t believe government should own the means of production, but I do believe that the middle class and the working families who produce the wealth of America deserve a fair deal. I believe in private companies that thrive and invest and…
The Magic Revolving Door (gif-ified Wuerker)
What's wrong with Washington State voters? And how can we educate them?
Washington State voters approved Tim Eyman’s latest initiative I-1366 by 51.5% to 48.5% (http://results.vote.wa.gov/results/current/State-Measures-Initiative-Measure-No-1366-concerns-state-taxes-and-fees.html). How many of them realized that the initiative makes it very difficult to eliminate tax loopholes (“preferences”) for special interests? How many of them realized that the state is under court order to find billions of additional dollars to fund education?…
Average Washington voter's thoughts about politics
REAL right to life
For details, see Why Abortion Isn’t Murder
Bernie Sanders is a Social Democrat, not a Democratic Socialist
See Is Sanders’ democratic socialism compatible with capitalism? for details
George Washington Reacts to the 2015 elections
George Washington Reacts to the 2015 elections, in which only 36% of registered voters bothered to cat their ballots.
Let's use I-732 (revenue-neutral carbon tax swap) to beat I-1366 (Eyman's 2/3 super-majority blackmail)
There’s a simple way to beat Tim Eyman and his initiative I-1366. At the same time we’ll help the environment, and, optionally, raise revenue to fund schools. And we can even do it in a revenue-neutral way, thereby making it palatable to Republicans. By way of background, recall that if I-1366 passes — and early…
Hell, yeah! Let's lower the sales tax 1% — and raise taxes on carbon, capital gains and/or income
There’s a simple way to beat Tim Eyman and his initiative I-1366. At the same time we’ll lower taxes on most people, help the environment, and, optionally, raise revenue to fund schools. We can even do it in a revenue-neutral way, thereby making it palatable to some Republicans. In short, Let’s use I-732 (revenue-neutral carbon…
What Governor Inslee should say about taxes