Tonight : Vigil/Speakout Against Afghanistan Massacre, 5:30PM at Westlake Plaza in Seattle

Image from event (added evening of 2012/03/21) Tonight: Wednesday March 21 Speakout/Vigil @ 5:30pm Westlake Plaza ( 4th and Pine in downtown Seattle) Speakers: Joshua Simpson (Iraq war veteran and one of the founders of Coffee Strong), Ashley J Hagemann (Her husband committed suicide after receiving orders for a 9th deployment overseas), and Tim Bedwell…

Draft Kucinich movement starts in Washington State

There’s a movement underway to recruit Dennis Kucinich to run for Congress in Washington State. On March 6, Kucinich lost a primary battle for his redistricted and gerrymandered Ohio congressional district.  (See here , here and here.)  His loss generated national coverage with commentators lamenting the “end of an era.” Last summer and autumn Kucinich…

Speaker Frank Chopp's comments on the budget at Mercer Island Library

Washington State House Speaker Frank Chopp spoke and answered questions at Mercer Island Library Sunday afternoon, at the King County Democrats’ Legislative Action Committee meeting. Chopp mostly covered the negotiations about the state budget. About two weeks ago Senate Republicans pulled a surprise maneuver and passed a regressive budget, with the help of three turncoat…

Build a new model?

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” — Buckminister Fuller But taken to extremes, such thinking would lead to frequent divorce, destruction, and abandonment of institutions and plans.   Sometimes you do need to fix what’s broken instead of replacing it…

Bigotry is bigotry is bigotry “For black Christians to cite the Bible as justifying their homophobia is about as theologically logical and as ethically vile as white Christians citing the same volume’s support of slavery to warrant their discrimination against blacks .”

Heist: Who Stole The American Dream? — Sunday at Olympia Film Society

Date:     Sunday 3/18/2012 Time:     2:30 pm Where: The Capitol Theater.  360.754.6670 | 206 5th AVENUE SE, OLYMPIA WA, 98501 Sponsor:  Olympia Film Society Notes:     Dir: Francis Causey, Donald Goldmacher / 2011 / US / 90 min / High Definition digital A new, groundbreaking feature documentary about the roots of the American economic…

Washington military base Lewis-McChord blamed for Afghanistan troubles

The LA Times is reporting: Soldier held in Afghan killings was from troubled U.S. base Dozens of recent cases of killings, suicides and assaults have been linked to combat troops from sprawling Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state. Reuters reports:  U.S. home base of Afghan massacre suspect scarred by scandals And CNN: Washington base back…