Washington Liberals

ALERT! Millionaire or Community Solar?

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ALERT! Millionaire Community Solar?

Call TODAY to Save Community Solar in Washington State,


Millionaire Community Solar?

Community Solar in Washington State will either be saved or killed this legislative session in Washington State. Your tax dollars will continue to feed the incentive program, but instead of providing incentives for renewable energy for public benefit, they will used to subsidize solar for millionaires and corporations. Unless you speak up NOW.

Immediate action is needed to ensure that incentives for solar on schools, libraries, tribal centers, municipal buildings, community colleges are given priority over solar on CostCo.

The legislation is complicated. There are actually two bills in play. HB1105, by Rep. John McCoy could fix the current program. As currently written HB1301 by Rep. Jeff Morris will displace it directing incentive money to millionaires and corporations, killing community solar. There are many interests are at the table. Installers, equipment producers, and utilities are represented, but communities, municipalities, schools and the 98% are not. The missing voice is yours. You can dive into the messy details at VashonCommunitySolar.org

Please call your legislators and most urgently, members of these House Committees: (Follow the links for phone numbers and contact information)
Environment (Meeting today 2/13 at 1:30pm)
Technology and Economic Development (Met in executive session today at 8am, likely sending bill to Finance Committee.)
Finance (They will likely have to review either bill.)

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