Seattle Sunday Events: Stop Keystone XL Pipeline, Occupy Seattle

Sunday, the “Tarsands Action: Stop Keystone XL Pipeline” folks are rallying in front of the Paramount Theater, 911 Pine St. from 10:45-3:00, where President Obama will have a fundraiser.

The Seattle Chapter of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship will be meditating and walking around the theater prior to that.

RSVP Here:

Other local events are posted at

OCCUPY SEATTLE is an ongoing planning effort that you can follow here:
It is an effort to stand in solidarity with the folks who have been occupying Wall St in NYC for about a week now and will be occupying DC around Oct. 6th. This is a huge national phenomenon sweeping the country, and it is **not being covered by the press*** the way it should. So we have to spread the word ourselves.

Global Revolution: brings you live stream video coverage from independent journalists on the ground at nonviolent protests around the world. The team in..

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