Create a FLUSH the TPP! Visibility Action on Tuesday, Nov. 12

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Use Fun Visibility Tactics To Pull The TPP Corporate Coup out of the Shadows

November 12th is a day of action in collaboration with Backbone Action Brigades, Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch,, Popular Resistance, WFTC, and YOU!



Donate TODAY to support the              movement for WE THE PEOPLEFLUSH the TPP! Visibility Actions on Tuesday, Nov. 12

Mobilize a Backbone Action Brigade for FLUSH the TPP! on Tuesday Nov. 12

RSVP for Nov. 8 Backbone Action Brigade coordinating call.

Stay up to date on details at the Action Event Page

Backbone Action Brigades and allies with banners, LED panels, and Light Projection tools are planning for a coordinated day of action Tuesday, November 12.

Light Projections in Dallas, Spokane, Detroit, Olympia and Seattle are already planned – and we hope to add LA, Baltimore, Chicago, DC, and YOUR city to the list of places where an action will take place.

Coordinating call this Friday, Nov. 8 at 10am (Pacific)/1pm (Eastern)
The number is 712-432-1500 and the code is 865481

TPP Actions by your comradesRise up to stop the global corporate coup and FLUSH the TPP! The Trans-Pacific Partnership is the latest and largest ever free-trade investor rights agreement compact and it is being negotiated in secrecy. Its transnational corporate architects have President Obama requesting Fast Track authority to get it passed without real Congressional or public oversight. The TPP is a disaster for human rights, worker rights, the environment, and the very capacity of people to pass laws to protect themselves, their communities, and the environment. SO, for goodness sake, Don’t Fast Track a Train Wreck for Democracy!

We CAN STOP the TPP by stopping Fast Track. Pull the TPP out of the shadows and into public scrutiny by joining Backbone Brigades and allies in a day of coordinated visibility actions to FLUSH the TPP! Tuesday, November 12.

Join/Form/(or transmute into 😉 a Backbone Action Brigade for Nov. 12 by using one of Backbone Campaign’s fun night-time and day-time high visibility tactics! Invigorate your group and try some new tactics. Use Light Projection as Protest, Join an Overpass Light Brigade, turn heads at rush-hour with a Giant Freeway banner, and more!

RSVP to join Friday’s planning call on Friday, November 8, email or call the Backbone Campaign office at 206-408-8058 to learn what you can do.

Friday Call Agenda (DRAFT):

  • Quick intro to talking points on TPP Donate To Support Backbone's Crucial Porgressive                Movement Building Work(Review some Talking Points HERE)
  • Q & A – Tips and Tricks on the various Tactics
    • Light Projection
    • Overpass Light Brigade Squads
    • Freeway Bannering
    • Spine Card Accountability Toolkit
  • Coordinating Internal Media Plan
  • Plan for Earning Mainstream Media Coverage in each community.



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