Washington Liberals

Washington Health Security Trust HB 1085 – Request a vote out of committee!

Health Care for All -Washington reports:
The hallways of the O’Brien Building saw state-based universal health care advocates fill a hearing room and overflow into three other nearby rooms set up with audio as the House Health and Wellness Committee took testimony on HB 1085 last Friday, Feb 1st. 130 supporters from Bellingham, Anacortes, Port Angeles, Poulsbo, Vancouver, Centralia and the entire Puget Sound area signed in, while 25 gave personal testimony on the urgency of passing a plan, which includes a request to the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services for a State Innovation Waiver beginning in 2017.
Our goal is to get this bill sent to Appropriations. It is extremely important for constituents to ask their legislators for a vote to refer. The list of House Health and Wellness committee members is given below. Call friends who live in these legislative districts to phone or email this next week.
Suggested script:
  • 130 supporters of HB 1085 were in attendance last week.
  • When will a vote be taken for referral to Appropriations?
  • Will you vote to pass the bill out of committee?
Support expanding our network into all 49 legislative districts. It is extremely important that we create a network of supporters in every legislative district in Washington state. If you would like to help us organize in your community contact  outreach@healthcareforallWA.org. If you have ideas for reaching your legislators more persuasively contact action@healthcareforallWA.org. If you would like to have a speaker come to your neighborhood contact speakers@healthcareforallWA.org. If you would like to support the work of HCFA-WA, join today and make a tax-deductible contribution.
House Health Care & Wellness Committee Members
Representative Room Phone Email
Cody, Eileen (D) 34th Chair JLOB 303 (360) 786-7978 eileen.cody@leg.wa.gov
Jinkins, Laurie (D) 27th Vice Chair JLOB 311 (360) 786-7930 laurie.jinkins@leg.wa.gov
Schmick, Joe (R) 9th * JLOB 432 (360) 786-7844 joe.schmick@leg.wa.gov
Hope, Mike (R) 44th ** JLOB 466 (360) 786-7892 mike.hope@leg.wa.gov
Angel, Jan (R) 26th JLOB 434 (360) 786-7964 jan.angel@leg.wa.gov
Clibborn, Judy (D) 41st JLOB 415 (360) 786-7926 judy.clibborn@leg.wa.gov
Green, Tami (D) 28th JLOB 429A (360) 786-7958 tami.green@leg.wa.gov
Harris, Paul (R) 17th Not present Feb 1st JLOB 403 (360) 786-7976 paul.harris@leg.wa.gov
Manweller, Matt (R) 13th JLOB 470 (360) 786-7808 matt.manweller@leg.wa.gov
Moeller, Jim (D) 49th JLOB 430 (360) 786-7872 jim.moeller@leg.wa.gov
Morrell, Dawn (D) 25th JLOB 306 (360) 786-7948 dawn.morrell@leg.wa.gov
Riccelli, Marcus (D) 3rd JLOB 419 (360) 786-7888 marcus.riccelli@leg.wa.gov
Rodne, Jay (R) 5th Not present Feb 1st JLOB 430 (360) 786-7852 jay.rodne@leg.wa.gov
Ross, Charles (R) 14th Not present Feb 1st JLOB 122A (360) 786-7856 charles.ross@leg.wa.gov
Short, Shelly (R) 7th Not present Feb 1st JLOB 436 (360) 786-7808 shelly.short@leg.wa.gov
Tharinger, Steve (D) 24th JLOB 368 (360) 786-7904 steve.tharinger@leg.wa.gov
Van De Wege, Kevin (D) 24th JLOB 434A (360) 786-7816 kevin.vandewege@leg.wa.gov
*Ranking Minority Member **Asst. Ranking Minority Member

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