Washington Liberals

Virtually Speaking: Cliff Schecter, NYCeve, Susie Madrak, Stuart Zechman, Jay Ackroyd

Virtually Speaking on Second Life (a 3d virtual world)

VS_stage@night. Stuart & Culture of Truth
Schedule for Sunday, Sept 11 through Thursday Sept 15. With help from your commentary and questions, we talk with  some of your favorite writers: political analysts, media critics, technologists, historians, etc. Virtually Speaking is public affairs, progressive voices, current events. Comments and questions courtesy of a digitally present studio audience. Which could include you. (see IRC below) All programs webcast and archived at BlogTalkRadio.  Available free at iTunes. See IRC below to participate. I post weekly, so you can go back to previous posts and link through to the juicy stuff. Miss it the first time? Read the i Intro to Virtually Speaking.

Miss Jay talking with Republican party activist Rob Roper about his Maine Republican roots and the party of, then, Senator Bill Cohen and Congresswoman Olympia Snowe, a very different party than the party of Paul LePage? Jay and Rob jump into a search for common understanding and the balance between partisanship and governance. Beginning Saturday, listen here.

Sunday, Sept 11 | Cliff Schecter and Jay Ackroyd discuss – 9/11 and its Great Transformations – Cliff’s column posted to Aljazeera English about the effect of 9/11/2001 on America’s governance. Listen live and later on BTR

Tuesday, Sept 13 | 9 pm eastern | 6 pm pacific |Virtually Speaking Susie |  Susie Madrak talks with a fellow journalist tba. Whatever it is, it’ll be breaking, free form and thoughtful| Listen live and later on BTR

Thursday, Sept 15 | Double Header

8 pm eastern | 5 pm pacific |Virtually Speaking A-Z | Stuart Zechman and Jay Ackroyd| This week in liberalism: an ongoing discussion based on the conflict between movement liberals–liberals committed to the principles of Adam Smith and FDR–and the centrist elites who run the Democratic party.  Jay and Stuart consider the nature, ideology and political realities of liberalism and conversely, the nature, ideology and political realities of Democratic centrism. This week, they’ll pick up where they left off… what we can look forward to in the next year of the Obama Administration.   Listen live on BTR. Beginning midnight Friday, listen here.

9 pm eastern | 6 pm pacific |Virtually Speaking with Jay Ackroyd | Jay compares notes on health care reform with Stuart and Eve Gittelson (aka NYCeve) reporting live from the land of ‘Murder by Spreadsheet.’ Listen live and later on BTR.

Tweet along with us: @cliffschecter @nyceve1 @stuart_zechman @jayackroyd @SusieMadrak @sherry_reson

Be part of the conversation. Ask questions, chat live with other listeners:
Internet Relay Chat
(IRC) allows you to be part of the virtual studio audience (aka chat room), sharing comments and questions while listening to Virtually Speaking live on BlogTalkRadio. Logs are shared with the show hosts and guests.

Use IRC:

1. Connect to http://webchat.freenode.net/
2. Create a log-in name
3. Enter #vspeak into the channel field.
4. NOTE: ‘Relay Rinq’ is not a person but a bridge to IRC chat.
5. Type into the text field along the bottom of the screen.
6. Begin your question with ‘QUESTION’ so it’s easy for the host (and me) to spot.

Show Notes: Listen better, listen smarter with some specific and general information.

• Virtually Speaking Sundays| Can’t bear to watch the Sunday morning talking heads that inspire VS Sundays? Let Culture of Truth boil them down for you with the Bobblespeak Translations. Warning: swallow and put down the hot tea/coffee/cocoa before reading.

The VS Sunday panel draws from Avedon Carol, Cliff Schecter,  Culture of Truth, David Dayen, digby,  Joan McCarter, Marcy Wheeler, Stuart Zechman and  Susie Madrak. From time to time, the make-up of the panel shifts. Also, every 5 weeks or so, one of our regular panelists invites a guest to join them.

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