Washington Liberals

Update on Progressive Talk Radio for Pacific NW

There was standing room only at the “Party ON for Progressive Radio!” event held at Impact Hub in Downtown Seattle on January 18th, as emcee David (Goldy) Goldstein introduced Andrew Villeneuve of Northwest Progressive Institute, and Geov Parrish, someone with a long history with radio, and then the star attraction of the evening, Norman Goldman! Over 250 people were there, and when Norman finished his talk, they spontaneously jumped up and gave him a standing ovation.

Mark Taylor-Canfield, an independent journalist who contributes to many liberal publications, did an excellent review of the evening and Norman’s talk, “Seattle Hosts Progressive Media Gathering – Is Radio Dead?” . Here is the link to read his story: Seattle Hosts Progressive Media Gathering – Is Radio Dead?.

Soon we will have the full event video available for your viewing!

If you go to the Facebook Page for MoveOn Whidbey, you can read Norman’s responses to 15 questions submitted that evening: https://www.facebook.com/MoveOnWhidbey?ref=ts&fref=ts

For continuing information about what’s happening with the efforts to bring progressive radio back to the Seattle area, please go to the website for Progressive Radio Northwest, www.progressiveradionorthwest.org

Check us out on Facebook too, Like Us! and comment too

You will be hearing more from us. For now, please sign up on our website, so you get the messages and can respond to us! www.progressiveradionorthwest.org

Thanks for your support for a great event!

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