Washington Liberals

Tueday- If Free Dinner Doesn't Get Your Attention Does Flesh-Eating Bacteria?

Backbone Campaign


There is a looming public health crisis fueled by short-sighted greed of the factory farm industry.

Seattle is poised to join the growing movement for sensible reform to stop anitbiotics misuse.

Yet, vigilance is needed to compel Seattle City Council to take the right action.



Two million Americans are suffering from antibiotic resistant infectionsevery year, but here in Seattle, we are taking the first big step to endthe industry greed fueling this public health crisis.

Join our friends at Food & Water Watch and grassroots activistsTOMORROW to reaffirm the need for action.

Attend tomorrow night’s dinner to connect with others demandingmeaningful action to ban misuse of antibiotics.


Preserving Antibiotics: A Public Health Imperative Free Dinner.

On April 1st, our friends at Food and Water Watch are teaming up with the UW Medical Center to host a forum and free organic dinner titled Preserving Antibiotics: A Public Health Imperative.

This comes the same day that the City Council will consider a resolution calling to ban misuse of antibiotics on factory farms. The anticipated announcement should happen at this event, and we need as many people there as possible.

Informative, free dinner, and exciting announcements!

Register before the end of the day to attend.

Tomorrow, Seattle City Council will vote to protect public health.

Despite the obvious logic of this sensible reform, there is industry opposition(check it out http://tinyurl.com/mo2ehzr)

Which makes it extremely important that we have a big crowd and have our testimonies heard.

If you are planning on testifying: Please show up 10-15 minutes early to sign up! There is limited time on the agenda for public comment, and people will be there to testify on other issues as well, so we need to make sure we get our voice in there.

Everybody: Wear RED to signify STOPPING antibiotic misuse! We will probably have press there, and we want to have a great visual of all the people that are calling for action here in Seattle!

What: City Council Hearing on Resolution for Ban of Antibiotic Misuse in Factory Farms
When: TOMORROW, April 1st, 2:00pm
Where: City Hall, 600 4th Avenue, 2nd Floor, Council Chambers
Who: YOU, IN RED, to make history to protect public health

Preserving Antibiotics:
A Public Health Imperative

Tuesday, April 1


University of Washington Medical Center

& School of Public Health

invite you to this free event about

antibiotics in animal agriculture

Dinner will be served

Register by March 31st

Close to 30 million pounds of antibiotics are sold each year in the United States – not for use in human medicine, but animal agriculture. Many of these antibiotics are administered to animals for non-therapeutic purposes, for growth promotion and to compensate for overcrowded and unsanitary living conditions. The overuse of antibiotics in meat production contributes to increasing rates of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, posing a serious threat to human health. Learn what you can do to advocate for the future of antibiotics.


Speakers include:

  • Dr. Gail Hansen, Pew Campaign on Human Health & Industrial Farming
  • Dr. Paul Pottinger, UW Medical Center Antimicrobial Stewardship Program
  • Dr. Scott Weissman, Seattle Children’s Hospital Center for Global Infectious Disease Research
  • Dr. Howard Frumkin, Dean, UW School of Public Health


Register by March 31st

This event is free and open to the public. Questions? Email Kathy Pryor: kpryor@hcwh.org


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