Washington Liberals

Tim Eyman attacks public transit

According to Sarajane Siegfriedt, “The Legislature passed a bill that authorizes a $20 increase to King County car tabs to prevent drastic cuts to Metro transit service hours. The 600,000 hours of cuts are the equivalent of all Metro service on the East Side. The new law requires a two-thirds vote of the King County Council to pass the fee increase. Tim Eyman has gotten agreement from all four Republicans on the Council to oppose the increase. Urgent action is needed, especially by those in suburban County Council districts and by anyone attending a County Council candidate forum.”

For those in the King County area, please consider coming to the King County Dems Legislative Action Committee meeting this Sunday (May 15) in Tukwilla, where the topic of public transit will be discussed, as well as proposed worker’s comp changes.

King County councilman Larry Phllips has initiated a resolution in support of the $20 “congestion fee” on cars:

Resolution in support of a Funding Mechanism to Protect Transit Service in King County

Its Whereas clauses are convincing.

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