Washington Liberals

The state Dems' platform says No to TPP. Will our lawmakers listen?

The Washington State Democrat’s platform says

We oppose:

  • . . .
  • Trade agreements negotiated in secret without public interest representation;
  • Foreign policies that put the profit-making interests of corporations above the rights, laws, and interests of governments or workers, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP);

But the last I heard both our US Senators, as well as Representatives DelBene, Smith, and Kilmer, have refused to state that they are opposed to (fast-tracking) the TPP.  On a MoveOn council phone call, I heard from activists that our Senators are supportive of TPP, while the Democratic reps are noncommittal.

Neither DelBene, Smith, nor Kilmer’s names are among the 150 signers of the letter to President Obama opposing fast tracking of TPP.

When, in person, I expressed to Rep. Suzan Delbene my opposition to TPP, she said that she is elected to represent all her constituents (and not just progressives).

Apparently, our lawmakers are listening to the interests of corporations such as Boeing and Microsoft which stand to benefit from the trade deal, despite its widespread disapproval by the Democratic grassroots.

The state Dems' platform says No to TPP. What part of NO do our lawmakers fail to understand?

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