Washington Liberals

Tax avoidance schemes that enrich the rich, Krugman's prescience

While Republicans maneuver to slash social programs, they ignore the tax avoidance schemes that keep the rich rich.

To get an idea of the mentality of the current Republican party, listen to Terri Gross’s 2003 interview with anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist.  Norquist compares the estate tax to the Holocaust (targeting the few), calls government ‘tyrannical’ and says Social Security is a ‘ponzi scheme.’ Norquist lauds anti-government campaigners, saying their work “harkens back to armed resistance to the central government” from the Revolutionary War.

Gross had recently interviewed Paul Krugman, who presciently predicted the Bush tax cuts would “send us into a spiral of fiscal collapse. Krugman said that behind the Bush economic policies was a plan to deprive the government of revenue so that it’s forced to dismantle most of the federal system that’s been built up since the 1930s.”

The conservative plan to drown the government in a sea of red ink, corruption, privatization, and mismanagement is coming to fruition, both nationally and in the states.

Taxation Dodge Ball: stop tax-dodging corporations (a Flash game)

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