Create the Washington State Investment Trust, Support Vital Infrastructure
We need creative solutions to spur investment in Washington State to support infrastructure for schools, stimulate economic development, put more Washingtonians to work and make projects like Solutionary Rail closer to becoming a reality.
The American Society Of Civil Engineers rated 372 of Washington state’s bridges as structurally deficient in 2013. With little investment in vital infrastructure, it’s only gotten worse. If you think this is outrageous, then we need your help. Senator Bob Hasegawa of the 11th Legislative district has sponsored Senate Bill 5553 to create a state bank that could leverage state accounts to generate funds for critical infrastructure projects. SB 5553 has been referred to the Senate Financial Institutions & Insurance. We NEED YOUR HELP to give SB 5553 a public hearing and move it out of committee! Please make a call to the committee members and ask them to give SB 5553 a public hearing (make sure to leave a message if you don’t get through)! Benton, Don (R) : Chair ~ (360) 786-7632 “The legislature finds that there are significant public infrastructure needs of the state that are unmet, and that the level of unmet need has been exacerbated by the economic downturn. The legislature further finds that there are opportunities to use the state’s depository assets to generate additional benefit for the people and the economy of the state. Therefore, the legislature intends to create the Washington investment trust as a legacy institution that amasses sufficient capital reserves to address opportunities now and in the future.” Thank you for taking action. |