Upcoming Direct Actions:
3:00 PM, Sat., Aug. 11: Â On the Beacon Ave. So. median just north of So. Graham St. SAFE will be planting 250 two-dimensional homes in an array similar to the crosses at Arlington National Cemetery. Â In the center of the median, we will have a large sign identifying these homes as Bank of America foreclosed and evicted Seattle families. Â This action will only be a trial run for Sat., Aug. 18, when we plan on setting up 2000 homes along several blocks of Beacon Ave. So. Â
For this Saturday’s run, we’ll begin assembling these houses at 10:00 AM, Aug. 11. Â Come anytime. Â At 3:00 PM, we’ll be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers on the median.
Other Upcoming Events:
5:00 PM, Tuesday, Aug 14: Â Please join us for another Banner Drop on the skybridge at the intersection of Rainier Ave. S and MLK Blvd. S.
7:00 PM, Tuesday, Aug. 14: Â Organizational Meeting at Bethany UCC. Â All are welcome.
This Past Week:
SAFE organizers met with a local lawyer to map out ongoing legal support for our members in foreclosure.
We also met with local clergy and representatives from Washington CAN and Alliance for a Just Society.
Questions? Â Comments?
You can reach us at info@SAFEinSeattle.org or at 206-203-2125.  Please visit our website:  www.SAFEinSeattle.org.
Here is the first paragraph of the lead article on the front page of today’s New York Times’ business section: Â “The list of global banks that have been accused in recent years of laundering foreign transactions totaling billions of dollars has been growing — Credit Suisse, Lloyds, Barclays, ING, HSBC — and now Standard Chartered.” Â
The fine folks (money launderers) who run these banks are the same people who feel no compunction about throwing hardworking families out of their homes and onto the streets. Â In a just and rational society, we’d all be guaranteed a safe place to live, and the bankers would be behind bars.
Housing is a human right!