Washington Liberals

S.A.F.E. Events Today and Next Week

Upcoming Direct Actions:

3:00 PM, Sat., Aug. 11:  On the Beacon Ave. So. median just north of So. Graham St. SAFE will be planting 250 two-dimensional homes in an array similar to the crosses at Arlington National Cemetery.  In the center of the median, we will have a large sign identifying these homes as Bank of America foreclosed and evicted Seattle families.  This action will only be a trial run for Sat., Aug. 18, when we plan on setting up 2000 homes along several blocks of Beacon Ave. So.  

For this Saturday’s run, we’ll begin assembling these houses at 10:00 AM, Aug. 11.  Come anytime.  At 3:00 PM, we’ll be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers on the median.

Other Upcoming Events:
5:00 PM, Tuesday, Aug 14:  Please join us for another Banner Drop on the skybridge at the intersection of Rainier Ave. S and MLK Blvd. S.
7:00 PM, Tuesday, Aug. 14:  Organizational Meeting at Bethany UCC.  All are welcome.
This Past Week:
SAFE organizers met with a local lawyer to map out ongoing legal support for our members in foreclosure.

We also met with local clergy and representatives from Washington CAN and Alliance for a Just Society.

Questions?  Comments?
You can reach us at info@SAFEinSeattle.org or at 206-203-2125.  Please visit our website:  www.SAFEinSeattle.org.

Here is the first paragraph of the lead article on the front page of today’s New York Times’ business section:  “The list of global banks that have been accused in recent years of laundering foreign transactions totaling billions of dollars has been growing — Credit Suisse, Lloyds, Barclays, ING, HSBC — and now Standard Chartered.”  

The fine folks (money launderers) who run these banks are the same people who feel no compunction about throwing hardworking families out of their homes and onto the streets.  In a just and rational society, we’d all be guaranteed a safe place to live, and the bankers would be behind bars.

Housing is a human right!

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