I got a campaign flier in the mail, from the pro-charter school Stand for Children WA PAC. The flier shows 41st LD Republican State Senator Steve Litzow saying “Never Trump.” Another campaign flier calls Litzow a “progressive leader.”
Litzow is trying to portray himself as a moderate, despite his being a loyal Republican, having voted with his caucus 98% of the time (and especially when the votes are important).
Indeed, Litzow is too conservative for his district, the 41st, which voted for Obama in 2012, with 45,899 votes for Obama to Romney’s 29,239. In other words, 61.1% of 41st LD voters preferred Obama over Romney. See here too. Statewide Obama won 56% of the votes in 2012.
Likewise, in 2012 among 41st LD voters Democrat Adam Smith beat Republican challenger Jim Postma 34,829 to 19,512 (64% for Smith), and Senator Maria Cantwell beat Michael Baumgartner 47,129 to 27,167 (63.4% for Cantwell).
Litzow won his seat in 2010 largely due to attack ads funded by the Koch brothers.
This summer Litzow lost in the primary to his Democratic challenger, Lisa Wellman.
Also, on my smart phone I got text messages from a strange phone number, 425-598-3903, with links to youtube videos from James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas. The videos accuse Democrats of rigging the elections and of planting violent activists at Trump rallies. CNBC is reporting that the Trump Foundation paid O’Keefe to make the video. Earlier, O’Keefe had worked with Andrew Breitbart and attacked ACORN, using highly edited and deceptive videos.