In the 32nd Legislative District race between progressive incumbent Maralyn Chase and corporate Democrat Jesse Salomon, outside interests are spending big bucks and sending out attack ads against Chase. According to the Public Disclosure Commission’s data, Washington Realtors Political Action Committee and Stand for Children WA PAC (a charter schools PAC funded by billionaries) have donated over $37,000 each to Jesse Salmon’s campaign.
Top independent expenditures for/against this campaign
Senator Chase is one of the most progressive members of the state senate.  Her record on civil rights, the environment, Single payer healthcare, affirmative action, environment and clean energy, keeping public schools public, and reproductive rights is outstanding. Unlike her opponent, Senator Chase does not take the big bucks from the oil, gas, and coal industry, and instead prioritizes the “health of our families, climate, and democracy over fossil fuel industry profits.â€Â https://www.