Washington Liberals

Ralph Nader endorses Rocky Anderson; reminder about May 3 speech in Seattle

Recently, I sent a list of potential endorsers to Rocky Anderson and urged him to go after some of them.  After Nader’s name, I wrote “what the heck!”
Well, Rocky met Ralph Nader in Portland and got an endorsement.  Check out the generosity of Ralph’s comments on CBS!   It’s wonderful to see discussion about policy instead of lip-syncing sound bites.    https://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2012/04/23/ralph-nader-endorses-rocky-anderson-not-much-difference-between-obama-and-romney-occupy-highlights-inequality/
I’m supporting Rocky’s campaign because of his outstanding record and leadership on environmental, social and economic justice.  While mayor of Salt Lake City, he reduced carbon output in the city by 31%, instituted fair hiring practices for racial and sexual minorities, and vigorously opposed the crimes of the Bush administration.  I know where the line in the sand is for me, and that both major parties have betrayed my trust.
 We can and we must build the organizations and relationships that support these values.
I am grateful for the work each of you does to bring forth a more just and sustainable world, and continue to learn from each of you.
Rocky Anderson, Our President 2012 Official Website


Justice Party of Washington State presents: 

Rocky Anderson,   2012 Justice Party Presidential Candidate           
Thursday, May 3, 7:00 p.m., doors open 6:30
Reception following presentation
University Temple United Methodist Church
1415 Northeast 43rd Street
Seattle, WA 98105

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