Washington Liberals

Philip Warburg: Harvest the Wind

Winds sweeping through the Great Plains once robbed the Farm Belt of its future, stripping away overworked topsoil and creating the dreaded Dust Bowl of the 1930s. Today, those winds are bringing new hope to declining rural communities across the American heartland—and nowhere is wind’s promise more palpable than in Cloud County, Kansas, where soaring turbines are boosting farm incomes and creating jobs. Philip Warburg, author of Harvest the Wind, introduces the farmers, factory workers, biologists, and high-tech entrepreneurs behind this green economy-powered resurgence —all players in a transformative industry taking hold across America and around the globe. Denis Hayes, president and CEO of the Bullitt Foundation, former director of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and national coordinator of the first Earth Day, introduces Warburg. Thanks to Elliott Bay Books, The Bullitt Foundation and NW Energy Coalition and Seattle Town Hall Watch Pirate Television in King County channel 29/77  Mondays 8-9pm, Thurs. 1-2pm, & Sat. 1-2am PST or streaming live on Seattle Community Media.  Pirate TV streams several times a week on Puget Sound Access.  Pirate TV also broadcasts on Free Speech TV: Details listed in FStv Schedule.  See also: FStv PirateTV Website,  Pirate TV Archive: www.PirateTVSeattle.com

More information about this show available at: Seattle Community Media

This movie is part of the collection: Seattle Community Media

Producer: Pirate TV Seattle
Keywords: Documentary

Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0

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