Closing tax loopholes could do a lot of good
Our state’s public structures and services are the oil of our economic engine. From roads to bridges, preschool to college, veterans’ benefits to senior services and protections for our air and drinking water, we’re all better off when we invest in strong communities. But there’s a big red warning light on our dashboard: Low Oil.…
Apparent anti-semitic headline on TheMarketBusiness, recommended by google
On April 25, the news aggregation site news.google.com included among its top headlines a link and summary to an article from TheMarketBusiness.com with the following headline. To Meet Jew Donors, Ted Cruz heads to Vegas Here’s an image of the article as it appeared on April 25 at TheMarketBusiness.com, 2015 at 8:10AM PST: The first…
Can conservatives manage what baboons can do?
Robert Sapolsky — MacArthur fellow and professor of biology, neuroscience, and neurosurgery at Stanford University — pursued decades long research into baboon societies. He found that most baboon troops were dominated by aggressive alpha males who abused other members of the troop, had pick of the females, and enjoyed good health and low levels of…
How extreme is the GOP?
The Koch brothers are major donators to the GOP.  As Bernie Sanders reports here: Here are just a few excerpts of the Libertarian Party platform that David Koch ran on in 1980: “We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immediate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission.†“We favor the abolition…
[Breaking] Kayaktivists Confront Shell's Arctic Destroyer
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kayaktivists Take Action, Now It’s Your Turn! Register for the 100% Corrected Kayak Training Dates & Times ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today, Kayaktivists from the sHellNo! Action Council confronted Shell’s Arctic Destroyer in the Port Angeles. ` Do you appreciate beautiful, principled, creative action? Help Backbone Campaign skill-up more Kayaktivists by supporting the kayak safety trainings with…
Drawbacks of the Ross Hunter – Randy Dorn Extend and Pretend School Funding Plan
This is a report on the Education Funding Press Conference held by the Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn from 10 am to 11 am on Tuesday April 14 2015. In short, Randy called for extending the deadline to fully fund public schools by an additional 3 years from the current 2018 deadline…
Voting Rights Act would level election field
One hundred and fifty years ago today, Robert E. Lee surrendered his troops to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, bringing to an end the Civil War. What had begun as a sectional war by which the South sought to preserve and expand slavery into the western territories, ended with the collapse of the South and the liberation…
Why We Need To Restore Tax Fairness to Restore School Funding
Recently, both the House and Senate have proposed “band-aid†budgets that ignore a direct order from the Washington Supreme Court to fully fund public schools. Both budgets also ignore the will of the voters to lower class sizes. Both budgets continue to give away billions in tax breaks to billionaires while depriving our state’s one…