School Funding in Washington State is 2 to 3 Billion Dollars Per Year Below the National Average
On June 2, 2015, the US Census released the latest in a series of annual reports called Public Education Finances. These reports are issued about 2 years after the school year they are reporting on. So this latest report is for the 2013 school year. These annual reports can be difficult to find. So at…
DelBene, TPP, and Microsoft stock: should she recuse herself?
Rep. Suzan DelBene is apparently going to vote in favor of trade promotion authority (“fast track”) for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, unlike Reps McDermott, Smith, and Heck. A friend called DelBene’s office and an aide said she is voting for fast-track. Last fall I spoke to her and asked her to oppose it. She was very…
Stop putting up with our ridiculous health care providers!
A facebook friend posted a Washington Post article 50 hospitals charge uninsured more than 10 times cost of care, study finds. A discussion ensued. Bret Benson told this story: I had a $3,600 bill after going to the emergency room for a gash in my head over and above what my insurance covered. Devon told…
The stalemate over Washington state’s budget
The stalemate in Olympia over Washington state’s budget represents an ideological divide that won’t be overcome by negotiators sitting long enough in a room together. And unfortunately, neither side has proposed a budget and revenue package that would actually fully fund the educational opportunity and services families need in today’s economy. Republicans who control the…
sHellNo Nighttime Luminary Flotilla on World Environment Day
Join us this Friday, June 5th, on World Environment Day for an eveningof art-making, inspiration, music, wise words, and creating a communitythat’s acting in harmony with our shared values and visions of betterway forward. Rent a Kayak to join the Luminous Flotilla culminating withprocession to the rig and light action! (you can enjoy music beginningat…
Jim Jefferies – US Gun Control – Live Stand Up Comedy – Best comedian ever 2015
Destroys Gun rights b.s.
Painless executions are easy but immoral
I oppose capital punishment. But it surprises me that states are struggling to find ways to execute people painlessly. There are two easy ways to kill people painlessly. The first is carbon monoxide. People often die in their beds from carbon monoxide poisoning (due to improper ventilation of a heater, for example). They feel drowsy…
Eyman’s I-1366 is a Con Job on Most Washington State Taxpayers
Washington State has a tax problem but it is not one Eyman’s Initiative 1366 will help. Requiring a 2/3 vote by Legislators to raise taxes would make Washington’s tax situation worse and would put special interests, the wealthy and corporations in charge of running Washington State by giving them the ability to dictate our tax structure…
Backbone Campaign should work on economic justice in addition to climate justice
I commend and support the Backbone Campaign’s successful activism concerning Shell’s plan to drill in the arctic. They are expert at getting media coverage. But there are many battles to fight, and I wish Backbone would direct their activism towards economic justice. In particular, I want Backbone to expose the outrageously regressive tax system in…