Choose your battles wisely
I saw a facebook post that was encouraging overturning of I-200 (the voter-approved initiative which prohibits affirmative action and similar racial preferences). I support over-turning I-200 but that’s not my highest priority. My highest priorities are economic inequality and environmental justice. As I commented on the post, many people think the bill is of mixed…
Extreme wealth inequality
The Billionaire Bonanza: 5 Things You Need To Know About The Inequality Gap There are now 2,043 dollar billionaires worldwide. Nine out of 10 of them are men. In 12 months, the wealth of this elite group of 2,043 has increased by $762 billion — enough to end extreme poverty seven times over. In the…
How a washed-up lobbyist built a charter school empire and siphoned millions from public schools.
The GOP’s Biggest Charter School Experiment Just Imploded “How a washed-up lobbyist built a charter school empire and siphoned millions from public schools. “
I’m pro-life: in favor of Medicare for all, a healthy environment, and gun control
I’m pro-life for adults and for later-term fetuses, but I’m pro-choice for early-term fetuses. However, it seems that many conservative Americans are pro-life only for fetuses but not so much for children and adults. Real pro-life includes everyone, not just fetuses. So, I’m in favor of government-guaranteed medical care for everyone. And I’m in favor…
On Trump’s comments about “shxxhole countries”
Trump said something, per WaPo, about “allowing all these people from shithole countries” to come in, and how we need to get more people from places like Norway to come. He seems not to notice that people from places like Norway have things like universal health care, not-for-profit legal systems, and actual education. He forgets…
How to win hearts and minds
Winning hearts and minds would be a LOT easier if the Left controlled more media. The Right has Fox News, Sinclair Broadcasting, Breitbart, AM talk radio, etc. Nationally there are a few lefty media outlets. We need local ones that we control. The numerous lefty and Democratic interests should band together and organize a news…
Trump’s broken campaign promises
From Robert Reich: Almost one year in, it’s time for another update for Trump voters on his election promises: 1. He told you he’d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay more. You bought it. But his new tax law does the opposite. by 2027, according the nonpartisan analyses, the richest…
Facebook is a business. People try to use it for sharing with friends and for political organizing.
I spend a lot of time on facebook, and I notice many of my friends spend time there too. Mostly I use facebook to share political content: either content that I’ve found interesting or content that I myself created (articles, animations, witticisms, or images). I also use facebook for fun: cat photos, silly memes, etc.…
Donald Trump dreams of a (racially) white Christmas
I’m dreaming of a “white” Christmas with every fascist I appoint. Where we fill the prisons and people listen to skinheads marching in the streets. I’m dreaming of a white Christmas with every stupid tweet I write. May there be no Latinos or Muslims in my sight. And may my policies help the wealthy and…