God Save America (sung to the tune of God Bless America)
God save America from Donald Trump. Cast aside him And deride him We must fight ‘gainst the blight from the Right. From his lying to his fondling to his corruption What a scum! God save America From Donald Trump. God save America From Donald Trump.
Here come the anti-I1631 ads from the oil companies
The Western States Petroleum Association sent me a glossy attack ad about the carbon tax initiative: Inside the fold, it warns of higher prices. Just this morning I got email from the YesOn1631 group saying: Big oil is trying to buy this election. Chevron has contributed $500,000. Tesoro has contributed $4,362,827. BP has contributed $6,443,709.…
Should a progressive vote for Adam Smith or for Sarah Smith in the 9th CD?
I’m on the fence about whether to vote for Adam Smith or Sarah Smith for Congress this year. In short, Adam Smith has more experience, will have more power if elected, has a decent but mixed voting record, and has moved left as his district has become more progressive. Sarah Smith would more strongly work…
There’s a new crazy charity, TheJobCreators.org — Help the poor by giving to the rich, that’s raising money by asking us to donate to the rich, so they can help the poor. Same reasoning as “tax cuts destroy jobs,” I guess.
Republicans on Rape
Snopes.com verified that the named Republicans really did say those things.
Dino Rossi prays that the GOP deception will continue
(sung to the tune of O Christmas Tree) Oh, please, dear Lord, Oh, please, dear Lord, Help me win this election. For if I do I’m telling you I’ll escape this deep depression. For I have lost so many times. I do not want to be left behind. Oh, please dear Lord. Oh, please dear…
PolitiFact agrees: Dino Rossi DID vote to take away health care coverage from 45,000 children
PolitiFact says it’s mostly true:Â Did Dino Rossi take away health care coverage from 45,000 children?
Stop the so-called Freedom Foundation from bringing bigot Dinesh D’Souza to Bellevue
I got this email from the Northwest Accountability Project. D’Souza sure is a despicable bigot. I don’t think it’s “censorship” to oppose his appearance. I do not propose denying his free speech rights. I just oppose giving him a platform to spread his disgusting views. The Freedom Foundation has sunk to a new low. Their…
The budget deficit dropped two-thirds during the Obama administration. Forbes: GOP Has Been Playing Us All For Suckers
From PolitFact: “We rate the claim Mostly True.” Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office From Forbes: On The Deficit, GOP Has Been Playing Us All For Suckers The GOP budget and tax plan overwhelmingly benefits the rich. Just a few months after the tax bill was signed, the GOP-controlled Congress…
KCTS9: What’s Up With Washington State’s Tax System?
Washington state’s vibrant and diverse economy doesn’t hint at it. Neither does Seattle’s red-hot construction and tech boom, nor the sheer wealth of some of our residents. You’d never know it by the tens of thousands of people moving to Puget Sound for the plentiful jobs and outdoorsy lifestyle. But, Washington has a tax problem.…