Health Care – East and West
Vermont Governor Shumlin was on Diane Rehm on April 27 talking about the universal health care system bill he is going to sign into law. Cato Institute sent a talking head to spew disinformation on behalf of health care capitalism and insurance CEO salaries. To understand these folks you really have to watch Thank You…
300 years of fossil fuel history in 300 seconds
I think this covers the situation pretty well: Questions?
Tim DeChristopher Key Note at Power Shift
Mary at The Left Coaster is right about the methane hydrate feedback loop. Mary posted about that on Tuesday, April 26th if you are searching back. I have been talking about methane release from thawing permafrost and icesheet melting for several years. Â The release of methane is a deadly tipping point that we are…
You gotta choose your battles
How progressive should a group like Washington Liberals be? If it’s too progressive — too anti-war, too hard on centrist Dems, too uncompromising, and too open to certain controversial views (such as Palestinian grievances) — then it risks alienating potential allies. On the other hand, if it’s too conventional, fearful and meek, it’ll betray progressive…
We've Sacrificed Enough Already
In a nation and state where we operate under the rules of democracy, the blame for our budget woes belongs to “we the people”. Not “them”, “us”. We have to take the credit and the responsibility for the situation, and we have to be accountable to fix it. Everyone has their role in creating the…
House Debate on The People's Budget
After about an hour searching around for information in the record about the people’s budget, I found the following: http://www.opencongress.org/bill/112-hc34/amendments Amendment number 3 to H CON RES 34 was introduced by Mr. Grijalva (D-AZ-07) at 9:41AM on April 15, 2011.  The House used a total of 30 minutes to debate the amendment, which was the People’s…
Inspire Seattle: whither progressives?
How can we meet basic community needs during difficult (if not desperate) economic and political times? This was the question addressed at a meeting of Inspire Seattle on Saturday night, at the home of David and Shamah Gamrath in West Seattle. During the first hour or so, people networked and ate the pot-lucked food. (It…
Hey, Road Killers, Defend the Constitution!
The Road Kill Caucus is a group of conservative Democratic Washington State legislators who regularly vote with Republicans to block progressive legislation, especially on bills involving fiscal matters and the BIAW. Because of the recession and because of the passage of Tim Eyman’s regressive I-1053, which requires a 2/3 super-majority vote for legislators to raise…
Will the Circle Be Unbroken?
Some thoughts on the apparently cyclical nature of human endeavor. Â A hundred years ago some of our really brave grandmothers stood and fought for their rights. Â Their efforts were not appreciated by the powerful men who controlled the economy and the nation. Iron Jawed Angels if you are interested. These women were successful and the…
Expected UW president choice is a Republican donor
The Seattle Times announced that University of Utah president Mickael K. Young is the expected choice for UW president. The search was conducted by an outside firm in TX that was hired by the university rather than by a search committee of the faculty. YOUNG, MICHAEL K. MR. SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84103 MCCAIN, JOHN…