Is It Time to Send Out an SOS Call?
I am thinking about suggesting that the progressives, radicals, and rabble (that’s me) consider sending out an SOS. Yes, an emergency call. Â I think we are there. In this instance I think the SOS will be an emergency call for a Summer of Solidarity (think Summer of Love). Those of us who voted in 2008…
More on Roger Goodman, running for Reichert's congressional seat
State Rep. Roger Goodman is indeed running for Dave Reichert’s 8th CD congressional seat. It seems like Goodman strong on the environment and judicial issues. He has a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard and a stellar resume. Goodman’s web page description (from http://www.goodmanforcongress.com/about) gives me hope that he’ll be a strong candidate and…
McDermott, Dosanjh to Speak at NWroots
The NWroots Conference for progressives on July 9th, in Pioneer Square, is now accepting online registrations. NWroots is an opportunity for local writers, readers, activists, elected officials, and progressive candidates to meet in person. The event will feature panels, public officials, a candidates’ social, keynote addresses, documentary screenings, and workshops. A strong line-up of speakers,…
Tim Eyman attacks public transit
According to Sarajane Siegfriedt, “The Legislature passed a bill that authorizes a $20 increase to King County car tabs to prevent drastic cuts to Metro transit service hours. The 600,000 hours of cuts are the equivalent of all Metro service on the East Side. The new law requires a two-thirds vote of the King County…
Roadkillers strike again
Centrist Democrats  in the Washington State Senate  (the Road Kill Caucus) have joined with Republicans to sponsor and support SB 2109 (“Reforming workers’ compensation through authorization of voluntary settlements and creation of a return-to-work subsidy program.â€) The bill is strongly opposed by Labor and other Democratic groups.  The article Workers compensation bill SB5566: a step…
Democracy Hijacked, and how to fix it
Fed up with corporate control in America? May, 2011 – A series of Town Hall events in Washington State will focus on the hijacking of our American democracy by the influence of corporate and big money interests. Links below list time, place, and speakers: May 17: OLYMPIA May 18: TACOMA May 19: BELLINGHAM May 21:…
Sanity, Power, Values and More
“It is said that power corrupts, but actually it’s more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power.” — David Brin (1950- ) Author I don’t know much about sane folks, but I get the drift here from Mr. Brin. I figure the realm of politics attracts…
Two Quotes for the Day and Friday the 13th Lobbying Action
The dead will rise and attempt to communicate with the legislators about SB 4944, 4945, 4946 and 4947 “It is as useless to argue with those who have renounced the use and authority of reason as to administer medication to the dead.” — Thomas Jefferson M and I are pretty busy preparing for the Friday…
Poll: What is the most likely scenario for the future of America?
America must deal with a host of problems: economic decline, resource depletion, reckless militarism, anti-government fear-mongering, population growth, epidemics, rampant corruption, poor education, increased competition from overseas, environmental damage, economic inequality, religious extremism, and bigotry. What do you think is the most likely scenario for the future of America? Complete disaster: Things get worse quickly;…
Kucinich at fundraiser for 45th LD Dems on May 21
Note: I’ve heard rumors that Kucinich may be moving to WA State to run for Congress. Are his visits related? The 45th Legislative District Democrats and the Washington State Progressive Caucus Cordially invite you to attend their fund raising event on Saturday, May 21st from 2 to 4 PM at the Hollywood School House,…