First face the facts
On the way to work yesterday, a young (drunk) guy and his girlfriend got on the bus, after putting their bicycles on the bike rack next to mine. When the young guy heard me discussing politics with the bus driver, he said, “Well, we oughta half the size of government, ’cause the politicians are screwing…
AM1090 Forum in Kent: Kucinich shines, progressive talk show hosts mostly defend Obama
On Saturday about a thousand people went to the Showare Center in Kent, WA to hear speeches and a panel discussion by Dennis Kucinich, Ron Reagan, Jr., Norman Goldman, Randi Rhodes, Stephanie Miller, Mike Malloy, and Mike Papantonio. Kucinich Kucinich got repeated cheers and standing ovations from the crowd. He said the expected things about…
On My Last Weekend, Or, Wanna Save A Few Trillion On Health Care?
So I disappeared for a full week, right in the middle of what should have been a busy writing schedule, and I have to claim some “personal days†to cover the time we missed here at the blog – but it won’t be time entirely wasted. Instead, I’m going to jump into my own personal…
Roger Goodman speaks, Dennis Kucinich's possible opponent for Congress
On Sunday State Rep. Roger Goodman spoke at a meeting of the King County Democrats’ Legislative Action Committee. Goodman has filed for Congress in the first Congressional District, which Jay Inslee is vacating to run for governor. Apparently, Dennis Kucinich may be running for the same seat, since his congressional district in Ohio is being…
How a Right Wing Authoritarian Thinks (A Sample)
Beginning of Right Wing Authoritarian Thought Process The basic underlying principle I have is that people are responsible for their own actions and choices. Rich or poor you are the only one responsible for your choices. Nobody owes anyone anything. There are different kinds of people and some are better than others. My family was…
Do you plan to vote for President Obama in 2012?
Based on what you know now, do you anticipate supporting President Obama’s re-election in 2012? Yes. President Obama has done a great job, especially considering what and who he had to deal with. (“Yes, great”) Yes. President Obama has made some decisions I disagree with, but overall he’s done a good job. (“Yes, good”) Yes,…
Cut services, then watch economy go into reverse
We have a big private-sector economy, which is floundering in stagnation. Chief among the victims are middle class Americans, some on the verge of losing their houses, others with their jobs exported out of the country, and others trying to figure out how to pay the accelerating costs of their kids’ education and their health…
Localize This! August 14-21, 2011 – Vashon Island
Localize This! August 14-21, 2011 – Register TODAY! Join Activists & Organizers from Across the US for a Training That Will Transform Your Activism ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attend all or part, but register TODAY at LocalizeThis.org This Summer on Vashon Island, WA, the Backbone Campaign is hosting the third annual Localize This! Artful Activism Camp, an intensive…
Now it's clear: July 23 Speakout event to include Jim McDermott
In an earlier post, Questions about Progressive Congress’s Speakout event on July 23 in Seattle, I expressed confusion and perplexity about the purpose of a Speakout (“Congressional Listening Tour”) event in Seattle. But today I got email that explained what’s going on. Rep Jim McDermott (D), a progressive hero, and other unspecified lawmakers will be…
Celebrate Medicare's 46th Birthday on July 30 in Seattle
Come Celebrate Medicare’s 46th Birthday — Remarkably Successful! No Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security! Profit-Driven Health Care is the Problem — Improved Medicare for All is the Solution! Give Medicare a Birthday Present — Improved Medicare for ALL! When: Saturday, July 30, Noon-2pm Where: Safeco Field (1st & S Atlantic), to Pioneer Square,…